2014 – 2015 Course Programming Gr. 7 Parent evening Carson Graham Secondary
Introductions IB MYP Program Grade 8 Program
There are 3 distinct programs offered by the International Baccalaureate Organization: The Primary Years Program (K-5) The Middle Years Program (6-10) The Diploma Years Program (11-12) The International Baccalaureate Programmes
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences can also be right.
We strive for excellence in all endeavours, encourage personal and social responsibility, respect diversity and work to develop a life long commitment to learning. Our aim is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, confident and caring students who create a better world through intercultural understanding and respect.
Holistic Learning › Educating the whole child beyond just the ‘academic subjects’ and linking curriculum to the “real world” Intercultural Awareness › Understanding your own culture and that there are other cultures that have different views Communication › Clearly being able to express yourself in many ways and in more than one language
What does the MYP classroom look like?
Learner profile attributes Approaches to teaching and learning Global contexts (Why is this important to learn?) Key concepts (How does this connect with other ideas?) Related concepts (What is the significance to this discipline?) A consistent experience across disciplines
Science 8 body systems unit Statement of Inquiry: In order to function effectively, systems need to work in tandem. Factual › How do things connect? Conceptual › How are systems reliant on one another? Debatable › When should ethical considerations limit scientific innovation? MYP Inquiry Questions
Design 8 body systems unit Statement of Inquiry: In order to function effectively, systems need to work in tandem. Factual › How do things connect? Conceptual › How are systems (or processes) reliant on one another? Debatable › When should form be considered over function? MYP Inquiry Questions
Design 8 (Textiles): Sew a model of the body systems Science 8: Dissect a heart Summative Assessment
4 criteria, scale of 8 Clear expectations Formative & Summative Best fit approach MYP Assessment
10 hours of service each year In school or outside of school Reflections School wide service learning projects
Culminating Project Participate in a sustained, self-directed inquiry Develop deeper understandings through in-depth investigation Demonstrate the learner profile traits Communicate effectively Demonstrate responsible action through learning Take pride in accomplishments
Having their own locker More than one teacher Cafeteria Electives – trying new courses Meeting new friends Playing new sports, new clubs Increased independence More freedom
Figuring out their timetable Remembering their combination lock # Finding their classes Being late for class Too much homework Different teachers, different rules Peer Pressure Friendships change
Successful transition into Sec. School Academic & social success Will they really know my child’s needs? Communication with teachers Who do I go to with questions, concerns? Autonomy & independence Opportunities to stay involved Resist peer pressure
Time to eat….. Café or brown bagging it?
Pursuing Our Goals Celebrating Successes Together Striving for Excellence
Life at High School… Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 11 Grade 12 and beyond Grade 10
8 teachers 8 courses 8 classrooms Individual lockers More homework More accountability More responsibility More extra curricular activities MORE FUN!!!!
8:35 am start 80 min class (Period 1) 15 min break 80 min class (Period 2) 80 min class (Period 3) 40 min lunch 80 min class (Period 4) 3:00 pm finish
Wednesday IB/ Staff Development Late Start 9:55am Regular schedule 8:35 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Core Courses: English 8 Math 8 Science 8 Socials 8 PE 8 (boys or girls) French 8, Squamish 8 Life Skills Rotations: Life Skills 8A › Drama, Health & Careers, Wood Life Skills 8B › Home Ec., Info Tech. & Art Electives (outside the timetable): Choir Jazz Band Concert Band
Sewing Drama
Info Tech Art
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Learning Center 8 › for referred students English Language Learner (ELL) 8 › for referred students Choices 8 › for referred students
Students need 80 credits to graduate You begin earning credits in Grade 10 It is very important for you to pass all your courses because if you fail a course in Grade 8 then you may have to take summer school or repeat the class
Take responsibility for your actions Keep organized-use your agenda Attend regularly Be committed Engage in all your classes Get Involved
Check the school website Help set up regular homework time Keep in contact with teachers – all located on school website Keep tabs on your child’s agenda book Attend Parent – Teacher Conferences Create reasonable restrictions Enforce timelines and curfews
Artists 4 Kids Art Academy (10 -12) - Carson Graham VCC Culinary Arts Level 1 ( ) - Carson Graham IB MYP & Diploma Program (8 – 12) - Carson Graham Digital Media Academy (10 – 12) - Argyle Distributed Learning (9 -12) - Online Hockey Academy (8 – 12) - Windsor Soccer Academy (8 – 12) - Windsor Volleyball Academy (8 -12) - Sutherland Basketball Academy (8 –12) - Seycove/Parkgate Peak Performance Program - all NV schools Apprenticeship Training - all NV schools
January 20 th Gr. 7 Parent evening at Carson 7pm January 27 th Programming visits to Carson FOS Feeder Elementary Schools begins February 21 st Programming sheets due to teachers March 5 th Gr. 7 MYP Personal Project Visit March 7 th Cross Boundary Transfer Deadline May 1 st Gr. 8 Buddies visit Gr. 7’s May 12/13 th Gr. 7 Tour at Carson May 20 th Articulation at Carson FOS begins
Grade 7 paired with Grade 8 student Buddies attended the same elementary school Mentorship Program Increase sense of belonging Learn from the Pros’
NVSD 44 Summer School at Carson Focus includes: Curriculum preview Time management Organizational skills Stress management Guest speakers
Teen Brain HD - YouTube Teen Brain HD - YouTube
Refer to the Carson website for course descriptions Ask Gr. 7 teacher for recommendations Contact Gayle Weyell
Mrs. Gayle Weyell Gr. 8 Counsellor Ms. Celine Kaufman ELL / International Mr. Tom Larisch Athletic Director Mrs. Kristy DolhaMYP Coordinator CONTACT INFORMATION