Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (OSME) Bureau des petites et moyennes entreprises (BPME) To Kickstart Innovation Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program Programme canadien pour la commercialisation des innovations Encourager l'innovation
2 Context Objectives Approach Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information Overview
3 Context Current government programs to support innovation focus on: Budget 2010: The Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program (CICP) was created to help Canadian enterprises, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs), bridge the “Pre-commercialization Gap” Approach Objectives Context Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information Government recognizes SMEs are the engine of the Canadian economy Enterprises often experience difficulties moving innovations from laboratories to the marketplace These challenges are particularly critical to SMEs Early research and development Loans / financing
4 Objectives Context Objectives Approach Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information CICP Will Support Innovation in Canada By Supporting Canadian Businesses Providing real-world evaluations of pre- commercial goods and services Assisting in bridging the “Pre-commercialization Gap” Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations
5 Approach Objectives Context Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information These innovations will focus on four priority areas: Over a two-year period, the government will procure pre-commercial innovations to be tested by federal departments
6 Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals (CFP) will be posted on MERX TM Additional information available on CFP will include mandatory and point-rated criteria Proposals must: Approach Objectives Context Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information Include 80% Canadian content Be provided by Canadian bidders Not have been sold commercially Be valued at $500K or less (GST/HST and shipping extra)
7 Level of Readiness LEVEL 5 LEVEL 6 LEVEL 7 LEVEL 8 LEVEL 9 Actual application of the technology in its final form and under real-life conditions, such as those encountered in operational tests and evaluations. Activities include using the innovation under operational conditions. Actual technology proven through successful deployment in an operational setting Technology has been proven to work in its final form and under expected conditions. Activities include developmental testing and evaluation of whether it will meet operational requirements. Actual technology completed and qualified through tests and demonstrations Prototype at planned operational level. Requires demonstration of an actual prototype in an operational environment. Activities include prototype field testing. Prototype ready for demonstration in an appropriate operational environment A model or prototype that represents a near desired configuration. Activities include testing in a simulated operational environment or laboratory. System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a simulated environment The basic technological components are integrated for testing in a simulated environment. Activities include laboratory integration of components. Component and/or validation in a simulated environment Description of Level Pre-Commercialization Gap Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program Approach Objectives Context Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information
8 Process Approach Objectives Context Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information Once match department is found Test Plan is carried out and feedback is provided PWGSC will work with successful suppliers to identify test department PWGSC will send notification letters to suppliers outlining results Top scoring innovations are reviewed by the ISC Start Proposals are submitted through the online submission service as outlined in the CFP Call for Proposal NRC-IRAP Evaluates Proposals Innovation Selection Committee (ISC) Final Ranking of Proposals Matching to Government Departments Product/ Service Testing
9 Outreach Approach Objectives Context Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information The Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (OSME) will host and participate in events across the country These events will:
Benefits of CICP Approach Objectives Context Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information Find innovations not yet available in the marketplace to address specific departmental challenges and needs and increase efficiency. Meet face to face with innovative suppliers of goods and services. Test, use and assess the latest Canadian innovations. Promote innovation and support the development of Canadian businesses. Federal government departments will have the opportunity to: 10
11 Benefits of CICP Approach Objectives Context Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information Sell pre-commercial innovations to the Government of Canada through a competitive procurement process Sell pre-commercial innovations to the Government of Canada through a competitive procurement process Connect with potential clients in federal government departments and showcase innovations Receive feedback on tested innovations in an operational setting Receive feedback on tested innovations in an operational setting Be better prepared to enter the marketplace with the knowledge obtained through participation in this program Businesses will also gain valuable knowledge on how to sell their goods and services to the Government of Canada and learn about bidding opportunities. Businesses will have the opportunity to
12 CICP Contact Information General Program Website innovation Sign up for CICP Updates on the Program Website CICP Contact Information CICP Contact Information Approach Objectives Context Calls for Proposals Calls for Proposals Process Outreach Benefits of the CICP Benefits of the CICP