Recommendations to the Union Management Committee from the Pink Sheet Work Group January 2014
That the staffing process for be revised according to the elementary staffing process plan proposed by the Pink Sheet Work Group. That the elementary staffing timelines for , reflecting the Pink Sheet Work Group proposal, be established by the JSC no later than February 28 th, 2014 For the purpose of this process, the JSC will be expanded to include 2 additional participants on each side.
That the expanded JSC meet prior to the elementary staffing process to review the process and provide an orientation to additional Board and ETFO members, in accordance with Step 22 of the staffing timelines. That school administrators be advised of the changes to the staffing process in one or more principal meetings or other arranged opportunities, prior to the finalization of school vacancies, and as needed throughout the staffing process
That school Stewards be advised of the changes to the staffing process at Steward’s Council meetings on February 21, 2014 and April 11, 2014, and that all ETFO members be informed throughout the staffing process at upcoming school visits by the REMs and at the Annual Meeting on April 24,2014. That the UMC and JSC commit to ongoing discussions and communications regarding the implementation of the revised elementary staffing process. Where there is no agreement by the JSC, the Board and the Union will exercise their rights under the Collective Agreement.
That the staffing timelines for be reviewed and revised as necessary. That the revised staffing process be reviewed by the extended JSC no later that June 27, 2014 with recommendations to be forwarded to the UMC for consideration prior to the beginning of the staffing process. The Pink Sheet process has been revised and replaced with Phase One and Phase Two, part A. Phase Two, part B refers to the Voluntary Mobility process in accordance with Article
Step 1 Process Review Meeting Step 2 Preparation Phase Step 3 Phase One - Vacancies Step 4 Phase Two - Vacancies Step 5 Phase Two – Part B (Voluntary Mobility) Step 6 Phase Three – External hiring Overview of the process
Expanded JSC meets to review the elementary staffing process Day 1: Process Review Meeting The vacancies will be posted at 9:00 a.m. on Day 2 and returned electronically by 4:00 p.m. on Day 4 to Human Resources Support Services. Day 2, 3 and 4: Preparation Phase HR completes the compiling of the elementary staffing information forms Day 5: Preparation Phase The expanded JSC meets in the morning to review school positions & information forms in accordance with Phase One from interested teachers. JSC consultations begin in the afternoon. School principals with vacancies will be called and will electronically receive relevant teacher information forms to review over 2 days (theoretically a weekend). Teachers may also be consulting with Federation during this time period. Day 6: Phase One - Vacancies
JSC principals continue to consult with school principals and gather relevant information related to understanding school, programming and personnel needs. JSC principals and ETFO bring their consultation information to the vacancy session the following day. Day 7: Phase One - Vacancies JSC – Phase One Vacancies (replacing the former pink sheet process) begins. One offer per person is made upon the JSC decision. Vacancies for Phase Two are determined. Day 8 and 9: Phase One - Vacancies Three day vacancy posting is posted at 9:00 a.m. on Day 10 and returned electronically by 4:00 p.m. on Day 12 to Human Resource Support Services Day 10, 11 and 12: Phase Two - Vacancies
The expanded JSC meets in the morning to review school positions and information forms in accordance with Phase Two from interested Teachers. JSC consultations begin in the afternoon. School principals with vacancies will be called and will electronically receive relevant teacher information forms to review overnight. Teachers may also be consulting with Federation during this time period. Consideration of teachers who are surplus to their school is a priority. Day 13: Phase Two - Vacancies JSC principals continue to consult with school principals during the morning of Day 14 and gather relevant information related to understanding school, programming and personnel needs. The Phase Two vacancies begins in the afternoon of Day 14. One offer per person is made based upon the JSC decision. Vacancies for Phase Two Part B (Voluntary Mobility) are determined. Phase Two Part B (Voluntary Mobility) begins based on teacher applications and principal consultations Day 14 and 15: Phase Two – Part A (Vacancies), Part B (Voluntary Mobility)
Confirmation of external hiring process as per staffing timelines is determined on Day 16 Individual external postings as per Regulation 274 will occur on Day 17 Day 16 and 17: Phase Three