CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE IT... Ms. Hall, Mr. Cook and Ms. Minos Co-op Office, Room 215
Allows you to get “real life” experience in the workplace Gives you an idea of what you want to do after high school Gives you hands-on learning Helps you find out what a job is really like Find out what career opportunities are out there EARN CREDITS!! (including Group 1,2,3) Add the experience to your resume Co-op AND You
Help you make decisions about your future Give you something to look forward to…a change of school day pace, chance to try out a potential career, making good choices, a positive future Co-op occupies two periods on your timetable and happens during the school day balancing your other classes and placement An out of school learning opportunity, generally for half a day for the entire semester, enabling you to earn 2 credits Can also do 4 credit program (entire school day) Co-op AND You
Best to take in grades 11 and/or 12 Every student is eligible to experience a career of his/her choosing The online information tells you how to select the co-op course code (COP3X0 or COP4X0), to your selection list Co-op teachers will contact you to talk about possible placement ideas before the school year ends OR come visit us in the Co-op office Rm. 215 Co-op…How do I take it?