Add some wow to your publications listing with Google Maps © Bruce Blair NRCan Library Natural Resources Canada Geoscience Information Society 2009
Using Google maps We already use Google maps - to locate shops and addresses - to plan how to get to places - why not use it with our publication listings … school soccer
New Releases RSS feed NRCan Library maintains GEOSCAN, the search engine for Geological Survey of Canada publications metadata An RSS feed of the publications released in the past 31 days keeps clients up to date
New Releases RSS Feed RSS feeds are effective at keeping your clients up to date … but they can be a little boooorrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnng!
Adding the “wow” We linked our RSS feed to Google maps - shows where the publications occur - uses the latitude/longitude metadata in our database - the geospatial display provides your clients with an alternative discovery method
6 Stepping back a bit What is an RSS feed? How do you make it work with Google Maps ?
7 RSS and XML You don't need to be an RSS guru RSS may be database-driven, or created manually in Notepad An RSS feed is an XML file where the data elements are identified with specific tags
Making an RSS feed RSS feed has 4 sections Page title RSS header RSS footer Item entry
Making an RSS feed RSS header Page titleItem entryRSS footer
Making an RSS feed RSS header Page title Item entryRSS footer Your RSS feed title A few more details...
Making an RSS feed RSS header Page title Item entryRSS footer ESS New Releases New releases from the Earth Sciences Sector, Natural Resources Canada.
Making an RSS feed RSS headerPage title Item entry RSS footer The title of the item A few words to describe your item The URL of the item Unique ID YYYY MM DD HH:MM:SS EDT
Making an RSS feed RSS headerPage title Item entry RSS footer Iron formation in Canada, genesis and geochemistry A few words to describe your item The URL of the item Unique ID YYYY MM DD HH:MM:SS EDT
Making an RSS feed RSS headerPage title Item entry RSS footer Iron formation in Canada, genesis and geochemistry Gross, G A; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5987, 2009 The URL of the item Unique ID YYYY MM DD HH:MM:SS EDT
Making an RSS feed RSS headerPage title Item entry RSS footer Iron formation in Canada, genesis and geochemistry Gross, G A; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5987, Unique ID YYYY MM DD HH:MM:SS EDT
Making an RSS feed RSS headerPage title Item entry RSS footer Iron formation in Canada, genesis and geochemistry Gross, G A; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5987, YYYY MM DD HH:MM:SS EDT
Making an RSS feed RSS headerPage title Item entry RSS footer Iron formation in Canada, genesis and geochemistry Gross, G A; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5987, :00:00 EDT
Making an RSS feed RSS headerPage titleItem entry RSS footer … put the file on your web server and you have an RSS feed!
ESS New Releases RSS feed So we now have an RSS feed for ESS New Releases. Auto-notifications for subscribers
Very nice … … and now for the W O W
Displaying with Google Maps We added latitude and longitude data to our RSS with GeoRSS encoding to allow Google Maps to display our publications
Displaying with Google Maps We added latitude and longitude data to our RSS with GeoRSS encoding to allow Google Maps to display our publications
Adding GeoRSS There are only two elements to add … - in the RSS Header, - add an XML namespace to the tag - in each Item Entry, - add the lat/long values in a tag
tag The tag uses lat/long data to represent a point
tag The tag uses lat/long data to represent a point a line
tag The tag uses lat/long data to represent a point a line a box
tag The tag uses lat/long data to represent a point a line a box a polygon
In closing Feed your RSS with Lats & Longs Add some wow …
Questions / comments? GEOSCAN: ESS New Releases RSS: