EDUC 4334: J/I Mathematics Week Five
J/I Math October 21 – 25 S5 Overview Assignment Update (Problem Solving) Interdisciplinary theme activity! Next Week: Guest Speaker from LNS
J/I Math --- S5 Into the Details.... Assignment 2 Update Problem Set I back today Problem Set II is due next Wednesday (Oct. 30) Suggesting a new due date of Wed., November 6 Fall Theme Activity! Handout Discuss what’s to be done An emphasis on Measurement—What is measurement? Do! Discuss the experience.
Week 5: October 21 – 25-- S5 Summary Apple Activity Summary (Time permitting we will do this today) The apple activity set we did is a shortened version of the Apple activities resource that can be found on Franks’ EDUC4334 Resources page (It was shortened for time—removed the capacity measurement). It is located in the Interdisciplinary Ideas section Along with the apple activities sheet is another Word document which discusses the set of apple activities from pedagogical and content perspectives. I encourage you to read it to give you a more full sense of my intentions for this set of activities.