Day 1 ArcGIS Goals for the Afternoon Layers and Layouts: ArcMap GUI View and display Symbolize (Lesson 6) ArcToolbox Notes: Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Exploring the ArcMap interface Table of Contents: Data views and layer legends are listed in the dockable Table of Contents Menu bar Standard toolbar Title bar: Shows map name Status bar: Describes selected buttons and menu items; reports coordinates Display area: Map features draw in the display area Sizable! Drag divider Context menus: Right-click data or layers ArcMap is a standard windows application. It abides by all the rules of a windows application. Toolbars can float or dock, and menu placement is similar to other windows applications. In addition, you can modify the display of ArcMap by changing your windows settings. For example, use the following steps to change the text size of the your menu choices. From the start menu, point to Setting and click Control Panel. Double-click Display and click the Appearance tab. For Item, click Menu. Change the font size to 12 and click OK. Now the menus in ArcMap will have a font size of 12. You can access functionality in ArcMap through menus or toolbars. The toolbars can be displayed through the View menu. Once a toolbar appears on the screen, it can be moved to another location, left where it is, or docked anywhere on the main ArcMap interface. The Table of Contents is where the contents of the map are listed. The Table of Contents can also be minimized, moved, or docked to another part of the screen. Its extent is also adjustable, so when you bring your pointer on the right vertical divider between the Table of Contents and the display area, the pointer changes its shape to a double-headed horizontal arrow. You can click and drag horizontally to either increase or decrease the Table of Contents horizontal extent. The display area is where the map features are drawn, symbolized, graphically queried, and so on. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Maps contain layers Layers: have (point to) a data source can be saved with a map can be saved as a file (Streets.lyr) have symbology A layer is a pointer to data with drawing instructions for that data. Conceptually, layers are similar to themes in prior versions of ArcView GIS. When you save a map, you are not actually saving the data in the map. Layers record the pathnames to the source data, along with the other properties you set to display it. A layer can also be saved as a layer file (.lyr extension), which is separate from a map. This option is available when you right-click on a layer. You may want to save a layer as a layer file when you want to use the layer in another map, or when you want to share your symbology for a dataset so others can use it in their maps. When a layer is added for the first time in ArcMap, a random color is assigned to display the features in the layer. Then you can opt to set an elaborate rendering of the layer using one of many symbols that are now available in ArcMap. When you save the map document, the layer’s symbology will also be saved. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Layer data sources Feature layer from a feature class (points, lines, polygons) Geodatabase, coverage, shapefile, CAD Raster layers Grids and images ArcMap layers can be constructed from a variety of different feature data sources: the geodatabase, coverages, shapefiles, CAD files, and ArcSDE layers. A single layer points to a single feature type for a data source. For example, if a coverage has polygon and region feature classes, a layer can be constructed from either the polygon feature class or the region feature class; it is entirely up to the user. Other possible data sources for ArcMap layers are listed below. Raster layers Raster data is also supported in ArcMap. Raster data can be very useful for creating high-quality maps, and is grouped into two types: Grids A grid is one of ESRI’s data types for raster data rendering and analysis. Images Images typically originate from remote sensing sources (i.e., air photos or satellite imagery) or are scanned paper maps. TIN layers Triangulated irregular network (TIN) is a surface representation derived from irregularly spaced sample points and breakline features. The TIN dataset includes topological relationships between points and their neighboring triangles. Each sample point has an x,y coordinate and a surface, or z-value. These points are connected by edges to form a set of nonoverlapping triangles used to represent a surface. Tins can be added to the data frame as a layer. They greatly enhance the three-dimensional rendition of an area in ArcMap. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Adding layer data Using ArcCatalog Using ArcMap Drag data from ArcCatalog to ArcMap Using ArcMap File > Add data, Table of Contents context menu, Add Data button You pick the data and ArcMap generates a layer to point to that data There is more than one way to create a layer: Use ArcCatalog If you have both ArcCatalog and ArcMap open at the same time, you can select the data in ArcCatalog and drag it into ArcMap. A layer is created that points to the data and provides default rendering. Add data in ArcMap You can also add data directly in ArcMap. 1. From the File menu, click Add Data. 2. Right-click in the Table of Contents or display area and click Add Data. 3. From the Standard toolbar, click the Add Data button. Regardless of the method you use to create a layer, it is important to understand that you are not putting the data in the map. You are creating a layer that points to the data that still exists in the same location on disk or in a database. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Working with layers in the Table of Contents Layers draw in their Table of Contents order, bottom up Drag layers to reorder Show, hide, rename, or remove layers Group similar layers View the source data The display order for layers is always bottom to top: the bottom layer draws first and the top layer draws last. Generally, polygon feature layers should be placed at the bottom of the Table of Contents, so point and line feature layers will display on top of them; however, the order of layers in the map is completely up to you. You could give your polygons transparency or a hollow fill and place them on top of your point and line layers. To reorder layers, simply click and drag a layer in the Table of Contents and reposition its sequence (i.e., move the selected layer up or down in the Table of Contents list). Each layer has a check box to its left, which controls its display function. When checked, the layer will be rendered in ArcMap; when unchecked, the layer is hidden from the display. You can easily rename layers in one of two ways: Click on the layer name in the Table of Contents to highlight it, and type a new name, or right-click on the layer’s name (or the data frame’s name), select Properties from the context menu, and change the name in the Name input field of the Properties window. When you want to work with several layers as one layer, gather them together into a group layer. For example, suppose you have two layers on a map representing railroads and highways. You might choose to group these layers together and name the resulting layer “transportation networks”. A group layer appears and acts as an individual layer in the Table of Contents. Turning off a group layer turns off all its component layers. The properties of the group layer override any conflicting properties of its constituent layers. You can create a group layer in the Table of Contents when you select several layers, right-click, and click Group. Group layers can also be grouped within other group layers. At the bottom of the Table of Contents there are two tabs: Display (the default) and Source. The Display tab simply shows the names of each layer, while the Source tab shows the entire pathname of the data source that makes up the layer. The Source tab in the Table of Contents is particularly useful for editing. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Setting layer properties In ArcMap or ArcCatalog General Source Selection Display Symbology Fields Definition query Labels You can change a layer’s properties in ArcMap or ArcCatalog. To access the properties of a layer, right-click on the layer name and select Properties from the context menu. General: You can change the name of the layer, decide if the layer should display or not, and (if it is displayed) determine the scale range at which it will be rendered. Source: This tab displays the source data referenced by this layer and allows you to change it. Selection: You can determine the color and shape of the selection symbol when you execute a spatial selection. Display: You can set Map Tips, determine whether you want symbols scaled when the reference scale changes, hide certain features, set transparency options, and make hyperlinks. Symbology: You can choose a field’s method of classification and set the symbolization properties. Fields: You can set your primary display field and/or define alias names for fields. Definition query: You can reduce the number of features displayed by a layer using an expression. Labels: You can decide to label features based on a specific field or other property, set options on label placement and symbology, and change the label styles. Joins and Relates: You can define relationships between the layer’s feature attribute table and any other table. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Changing layer symbol and color Right-click a symbol to set its color Left-click to change symbol properties The layer symbol and color can be changed in the Table of Contents without accessing the layer’s Properties window. Color properties Right-click the layer symbol in the Table of Contents. A color palette appears, and you can choose any color that fits your cartographic design. Symbol properties Click the layer symbol in the Table of Contents. A Symbol Selector window appears, and you can select any symbol that fits your cartographic design. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Exploring your data Magnify and Overview windows Spatial bookmarks Zoom and Pan Identify Find Hyperlinks Layer tables You can explore your data with several tools in ArcMap. These tools are listed above and discussed in upcoming pages. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Same data, different views Magnify window Live or snapshot Drag update Scale (%) Overview window Red zoom box ArcMap lets you create separate windows for viewing a smaller or larger scale. Magnify window From the Window menu, click Magnifier. A Magnification window with a default magnification value of 400 percent [Live] appears, and within its display area you see a portion of the original display area magnified by 400 percent. The term “Live” indicates that as you click and drag the magnification window around, the magnified area in the display will change to reflect the window’s position. The magnification value (400 percent) and other properties of the window can be changed by right-clicking the title bar of the window and clicking Properties. Many tools, like Identify, that work in the main display window also work in the magnification window. The magnification window is also useful for making very specific data edits. The magnification window is live by default. You can toggle between Live and Snapshot modes when you right-click to access the window’s context menu. In [Snapshot] mode, the view does not change as you move the magnification window. Overview window From the Window menu, click Overview. In the Overview window that appears, the background contains the entire data frame extent, and the foreground has a red-line hatched zoom box. This red zoom box controls which area will be zoomed in to in the main ArcMap display. You can change the layer displayed in the Overview window as well as other properties by right-clicking the title bar and clicking Properties. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Keeping track of where you have been Spatial bookmarks Creating bookmarks Naming bookmarks Returning to a bookmarks After zooming in to an area of interest, you can create a bookmark that will save your zoomed extent and location. To create a bookmark, click the View menu, point to Bookmarks, and choose Create. To return to a bookmark, go to the View menu, click Bookmarks, and select the name of the desired bookmark in the list that appears. When selected, ArcMap’s display will show the bookmark’s view location and extent. You can edit the bookmarks. In the View menu, click Bookmarks and select Manage. In the Spatial Bookmarks window, you can remove a bookmark by clicking the Remove button, or remove all the bookmarks by clicking the Remove All button. You can also rename a bookmark by clicking to highlight the bookmark name and typing a new name to replace the old one. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Identifying a feature Identify features in multiple layers Set bookmarks Add hyperlinks Can add multiple hyperlinks for a single feature When you click on a feature with the Identify tool, the Identify Results window displays to show you the attributes for that feature. By default, features in the top-most layer are identified. By changing the value of the Layers dropdown list in the Identify results dialog, you can identify features in all layers, visible layers, selectable layers, or a specific layer. When you are identifying features in multiple layers the left side of the Identify Results window lists all the layers. In the tree structure beneath the layers are all the features in that layer that were identified. Clicking a feature lists its attributes on the right side of the window (e.g., coordinate values, field names of the feature attribute table, etc.). You can also right-click to bookmark the feature for later use, or to make a hyperlink. There is also a search tolerance around the points you click with the Identify tool. To change this tolerance, go to the Selection menu, click Options, and change the selection tolerance. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Finding a feature Search Flash Zoom Identify Set bookmarks All layers Selectable layers One layer by name Flash Zoom Identify Set bookmarks Select the feature In ArcMap, you can search for a feature with the Find button on the Tools toolbar, or by clicking the Edit menu and choosing Find. The Find dialog contains three tabs: the Features tab for searching in the features, the Route Events tab for searching within route system events, and the Addresses tab for searching within addresses. You can search for features in layers several ways: All layers Search all the layers of a data frame, or all the the layers in all the data frames. Selectable layers Search only in specified selectable layers. One layer by name Search in a specific layer. Once the search algorithm ends, a list will appear at the bottom of the Find window showing all features found that comply with the search criteria. Right-click on any row in the list and a context menu appears with the following options: Flash Feature This will make the feature flash a couple of times in the display area. Zoom to feature(s) This will zoom to the feature(s). Identify feature(s) This will bring up a list of all values of attributes for that feature. Set Bookmarks This will set a bookmark for that feature. Select feature(s) This will select that feature. The feature can also be unselected as the context menu has a Unselect feature(s) option. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Looking at layer tables Display tabular information Formatted into records (rows) and fields (columns) Contain descriptive information about features Every layer has a table One record per feature In ArcMap, you can display the tabular information of a certain layer by right-clicking on the layer name and selecting the Open Attribute Table option from the context menu. Every table is formatted into records (rows) and fields (columns). The Options button in the lower right corner offers several manipulations that can be applied to the table, such as finding features, queries, changing highlight color, and setting table relationships. Every layer has an associated feature attribute table. The feature attribute table contains several fields whose values for the different records (different features) are descriptive information about the features in the layer. There is one record for each feature. The values under each field (attribute) can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Some fields can also be frozen for comparison purposes. When you freeze a field, it will stay on your display as you scroll through the other fields. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Working with layers and layouts Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Setting layer properties General Source Selection Display Symbology Visibility Fields Definition query Labels (Lesson 17) Joins and relates (Lesson 9) To access a layer’s Layer Properties dialog, right-click on the layer name and choose Properties from the context menu. In the Layer Properties dialog, you can adjust: Symbology Click the Symbology tab to symbolize your layer. Visibility Click the General tab to set the scale range within which the layer will be visible in the display. Fields Click the Fields tab to set the default field for a map tip or other feature. Definition query Click the Definition Query tab to write a SQL statement to exclude features that meet the query condition from the display. Labels Click the Labels tab to set the label properties that will appear on the layer in the display. Labels are discussed further in Lesson 17. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Setting visibility scale Minimum display scale Maximum display scale Visible scale In the Layer Properties dialog, click the General tab to set the scale range at which the layer will be visible. This is useful for hiding detailed information at small scales and general information at large scales. For example, as you zoom in on a city, the streets may appear and the city boundary may disappear as the scale gets larger. Maximum scale This is the scale at which the layer will disappear from the display as you zoom out. Use this to turn off the display of detailed data. Minimum scale This is the scale at which the layer will disappear from the display as you zoom in. Use this to turn off the display of general data. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Changing the data source for a layer Map documents can lose track of the source data Source data gets moved Source tab lets you change the data source for a layer Shortcut: Right-click the layer data > Data > Set Data Source Layers with misplaced data The map document does not store the spatial data displayed in it; instead, it stores references to the locations of the data sources. When a map document is opened, ArcMap reads the file and looks for all the pathnames to reconstruct the layers. When data sources are moved, map documents can lose track of the source data. When this occurs, the layer name appears in ArcMap’s Table of Contents with a red exclamation mark, and nothing appears for that layer in the display area. To correct this problem, access the Properties dialog for the “missing” layer. Click the Source tab and click Set Data Source. This will bring up a browser to specify the new location of the data. Once you have done this, the path to the data source will be fixed, and the layer will appear. Remember to save the map document so the new path will be saved as well. This procedure is similar to the project repair operation in ArcView. There is also a shortcut to help correct the pathname for a data source. Right-click the layer, click Data in the context menu, and click Set Data Source from the second context menu. Changing the data source can also be useful for applying the same layer properties to a new data source. For example, you may have layers that display soil data for a certain area. When you need to make a map of soil in another area, you could add the soil layers to your map and just change the data source to the new area. Click here to change the data source Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Selection color Default Selection symbol Selection color On the Selection tab of the Layer Properties dialog, you can specify the selection symbol and color for each layer in your map. This could be useful for identifying different selections with the same geometry type. For example, you may have points representing the sightings of two species of birds. Changing the selection color and symbol for each layer would allow you to see how many bird sightings are selected in each layer. You can choose an alternate selection symbol for polygons; this is normally a shaded pattern. The Selection symbol setting is available in the Selection tab of the Layer Properties window. If the background of this shaded pattern is set to transparent, you will be able to see the original shade of a selected polygon in the background. Alternatively, you may want to select a solid fill color for the selected polygons. When features are selected in ArcMap, the default selection color for all layers is light blue, and their corresponding records in a feature attribute table have a default selection color of yellow. The former default color can be changed from the Selection menu. Click Options. In the Selection Options window, click the color box under Highlight. This accesses a color palette where you can choose a different default selection color for all layers. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Display properties Map tips Scale symbols when reference scale is set Need spatial index for coverage and shapefile line and point feature classes Scale symbols when reference scale is set Transparency Hyperlinks Document URL Macro Excluded features Features can be excluded from drawing when converted to graphics Map tips These are “mini-labels” that pop up as you hover the mouse pointer over a feature. ArcMap lets you choose which attribute field you want to display as your information label. The Primary display field on the Fields tab specifies the field that will be used to display attributes from within the map tips. A spatial index is needed for map tips. Line and point data in coverages and shapefiles does not have a spatial index by default. If the Show Map Tips check box is grayed out, you need to create a spatial index for your data. Scale symbols When you set the reference scale on your map, all the symbols will be displayed at that scale, regardless of what your current scale is. When you uncheck the ‘Scale symbols when reference scale is set’ check box, the symbology for the layer will ignore the reference scale and display at the current scale. Transparency The higher the transparency percentage you enter, the more transparent the layer becomes. To display transparency, your window setting must be set up to display true color. If the transparency input box is grayed out, you are currently displaying less than true color. To change the number of colors you are displaying, right-click on the desktop and click Properties. In the Display Properties dialog, under the Settings tab, you can change the number of colors you are displaying. Hyperlinks Once a hyperlink is created for a particular feature, you can use the Hyperlink button on the Tools toolbar, which can access the hyperlink to a document or Web page. Excluded features When you convert features to graphics, the features that were converted are excluded from drawing. This is so that when you move the graphics, the underlying feature is not also displayed. If you want to redisplay the excluded features, you can select on individual rows in the Excluded Features list and click Restore Drawing, or you can restore them all by clicking Restore All. Converting features to graphics and excluding the original features is very useful for allowing a cartographer to move features to improve the cartographic effect of the map without actually moving the data. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Drawing properties Single symbol Unique value Graduated colors and symbols Proportional symbol Dot density Charts Imports symbology from layers or ArcView AVL files In the Show panel of the Symbology tab, ArcMap has several options for creating both qualitative and quantitative thematic maps. When you chose a certain method, the Properties options to the right of the Show panel change according to the type of thematic mapping method used. Single symbol Display the entire layer with a single symbol for a more generalized display. Unique value Display the layer using a unique symbology for each of the features, based on a specific attribute. Match to symbols in a style This is the same as using the unique value method, except each value will be symbolized with the symbol that has the same name in a styleset. For example, if you have a dataset that categorizes roads as either major or minor, you need to have line symbols within that style named “major” and “minor”. ArcMap will match the attribute value to the line symbol name to draw the feature. Features without a matching line symbol will not be drawn. This is useful if you want to draw your data the same way on different maps. Graduated colors Progressive quantitative data can be displayed with a graduated color ramp. This is suitable for continuous data, like temperature ranges or precipitation data. Graduated symbols Another way to represent amounts is to vary the size of the symbol. Like graduated color, graduated symbol is most useful for showing the rank or progression of values; however, instead of using color to represent the differences in values, the size of the symbol varies. When using graduated symbology, you specify the smallest and largest symbol and allow ArcMap to create the correct ramp of symbols between these sizes. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Using the classification histogram Manage class breaks Define Interval Number of classes Method Right-click the histogram to Zoom in or out Insert/Delete breaks Center the histogram When creating a quantitative thematic map, ArcMap also provides several different options for classifying the quantitative data. These properties can be accessed with the Classify button. In the Classification window, you can control the number of classes (five is the default), adjust the position and interval of each class, and specify the method of classification (Jenks Natural Breaks is the default). In addition, you can change some of the histogram properties in the Classification menu by right-clicking on the histogram. The context menu has the following options: Zoom in or out on the histogram. Insert or delete break lines. Center the histogram. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Examining the Fields property Inspect field definition information Set a primary display field (for map tips) Make an alias Change the number format Currency Numeric Move To inspect the field definitions of your tables, click the Fields tab of the Layer Properties window. The primary display field is used in ArcMap whenever it needs to identify a feature by a single attribute (map tips, Identify Results tree, Attributes editing dialog). Aliases can also be used for field names that are an abbreviation or a very specialized acronym in your table. This may help people who are not familiar with your taxonomy better understand the data contained in your table. Aliases are displayed in tables instead of the original names. Knowing the field definitions for a table can help you set up a common relate field (if needed) for table relationships (e.g., relate or join) when necessary. You can change the display format for numeric fields by clicking the Format button. The Number format dialog appears, in which you can change the rounding properties of decimal numbers, change the alignment of the values in the fields (whether left or right justified), change whether or not you want to show the thousands separators, add zeros or show a plus sign when data is missing. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Creating a definition query Create a query string Only displays queried features Does not affect source Definition queries can be used to reduce the number of features displayed in a layer. A query expression defines which features are displayed. To build a query, click the Query Builder button. After applying the query string, only the features that meet the query criteria will appear in the display area. Although you only see the features that satisfy the query in the display, the source data remains intact and unchanged. The remaining features are just hidden from view. A definition query is different than a selection (whether spatial or attribute). With a selection, all features in the layer remain displayed, but the selected features appear “selected” with blue outlines. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Data frame properties Units Frame and background symbology Coordinate system Illumination Light source for 3D data Grids Labels and annotation Show extents for other data frames Units You can set the map units and display units. Map units are the units with which the data is measured. The map units default to the units of the spatial reference of the data. If no spatial reference exists but you can manually set the measure units appropriately. The display units are reported whenever a measurement is made. For example, when you use the Measure tool, the display units are shown, which are calculated based on the map units. Coordinate system The coordinate system for a data frame defines if and how the data in the data frame will be projected on the fly. When you add the first layer to the data frame, the coordinate system for the data frame will be made the same as the source data for the layer. All other layers added to the data frame after the coordinate system is set will be projected on the fly, if necessary. You can change the coordinate system to match one of the layers, select a coordinate system from a list, or import the coordinate system from another dataset. If the first layer added to the data frame has no spatial reference defined, ArcMap will automatically analyze the coordinates in the data source and do one of the following. If the coordinates range from 0–180, ArcMap will assume the data source is geographic (contains unprojected coordinates in latitude and longitude). The current coordinate system in this box will appear as GCS_Assumed_Geographic_1. If ArcMap cannot determine that the data source is geographic, the coordinate system will be “Unknown”. Grids Graticules (latitude and longitude), measured grids (coordinate system), and reference grids (equal interval line for indexing) can be displayed on a data frame. Labels and Annotation Conflict detection rules exist for labels and annotation between layers. A rectangle and leader indicating the extent of a data frame can be added to another data frame. This is very useful for overview and inset maps. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Ways to create a map Create a map from scratch Modify an existing map Use predefined map templates There are three ways to create a map in ArcMap: Create a map from scratch. Modify an existing map. Use a user-defined map template and substitute the elements in it. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Choosing a page size Defined by printer Custom paper size Printer margins included Custom paper size Printer margins not included The Page Setup dialog can be accessed under the File menu. From this window, you can select a printer, which affects the paper size(s), margins, and page orientation. When the Same as Printer checkbox is on, the default Printer margins are included. If you open a map document that references a printer that is not on your network, you will receive a message warning you that ArcMap cannot find the printer, but all your page setup properties will remain the same. For custom paper sizes, you have to enter the width and height of the paper; the printer margin is not included. On the Page Setup dialog there is a ‘Scale map elements proportionally to changes in page size’ check box. If this check box is checked, the size of all the map elements on your page will scale with the size of the page. Toggling the ‘Same as Printer’ check box does change the size of your printable map page, which will scale all your map elements if the ‘Scale map elements proportionally’ check box is checked. To create a postscript plot with custom settings, follow these steps: From the File menu, click Print. On the Print dialog, click Setup. For Printer Engine, click PostScript Printer. Click OK. In the Printer Engine area, click Properties. The PostScript Printer dialog allows you to modify the properties of the postscript operation, including color separation. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Inserting map elements Insert menu Data frame Text Neatline Legend North arrow Scale bar Scale text Picture OLE object (MS Word, Excel, etc.) Drawing toolbar Graphics When the map is complete and you are ready to print, you can access the Layout view under the View menu. Other cartographic elements can now be added to make the map more presentable. Data frame: In addition to the primary data frame (which contains your map), you can also add other data frames to the layout. This may be useful, perhaps to show a larger scale index map, locating the geographic position of your original map. Legend North arrow Scale bar Scale text: For example, 1:24,000. Picture: JPEG (.jpg), GIF (.gif), TIFF (.tif), Windows enhanced metafile (.emf), Windows bitmap (.bmp), PNG image (.png). OLE object: You can insert any document that supports OLE automation (e.g., Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Visio). When you double-click on a document in your map, the appropriate application for editing that document will start. You can choose to create a new document or insert an existing document. If you insert an existing object you can specify whether you want to create a copy of that document inside of the map document or make it a link back to the original OLE document. Text Graphics: You can also insert other graphics, such as textual captions or geometric figures (e.g., circle, ellipse, etc.) using the standard Drawing toolbar. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Design aids Snapping elements Rulers Guides Grids Margins Design aids help you create your map layout. You can snap to them, or use them to visually align elements on your page. From the Tools menu, click Options, then click Layout to control snapping for design aids. You can set elements to snap to either the guides, grid, rulers, or margins. Rulers appear at the top and to the left of the layout display. You can snap to the smallest interval on the ruler. You can change the smallest interval for the rulers on the Layout tab on the Options dialog. Guides appear as thin blue lines that cross your map page horizontally or vertically. They are very useful for aligning multiple elements on the same page to a specific location on the page. To insert a guide, click on one of the divisions on a ruler. Right-click on the ruler to remove all guides. Guides do not print with the map. Grids are evenly spaced dots along your map page. You can set the horizontal and vertical spacing for the grid points on the Layout tab of the Options dialog. Grids do not print with the map page. Margins are the edge of your map page. When your map size is the same as a printer you can also see the printer margins on your page. The printer margins will appear as a light dotted line, slightly indented from the measured size of your page. If your map size is the same as a printer, margin snapping will work with the printer margin; otherwise, margin snapping will snap to the outside measured margin. To toggle the display of printer margins, open the Page Setup dialog from the file menu, and in the lower right corner of the Page Setup dialog, toggle the ‘Show printer margins on Layout’ check box. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Arranging map elements Group and ungroup Graphics operations Front and back draw order Nudge Align Distribute Rotate and flip Properties When a map element is inserted, it falls in the center of the layout by default. You can click and drag it to another location to balance the various map elements. ArcMap offers several options to help manipulate map elements. Group and ungroup You can group two or more map elements together. Select one element, then select another while holding the Shift key. Right-click to access the context menu and choose the Group option. Both elements will now be grouped together and can be moved and resized as a single element. You can also ungroup them using the same context menu. Front and back draw order You can change the display order of any map element. Right-click on the map element and select Order from the context menu. You can send the map element to the background or to the foreground. Nudge Right-click on the map element and choose the Nudge option from the context menu. Now you can click to nudge the map element up or down, left or right. Align Right-click on the map element and choose the Align option from the context menu. Several aligning options are available for you to chose from. Distribute Right-click on the map elements and choose the Distribute option from the context menu. Several distributing options are available for you to chose from. Rotate and flip Right-click on the map element and choose the Rotate or Flip option from the context menu. When you have more than one graphic selected, the blue handles indicate the dominant graphic, or the one that ArcMap will use to align other graphics with. To change the dominant graphic, hold down the Ctrl key and click the selected graphic that you want to be the dominant one. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Viewing a map Layout view Data view Work with the map page (e.g., place map elements) Data view Work with the data (e.g., edit features) Layout view In ArcMap you can work in Data view or Layout view. Layout view Choose Layout view when you are preparing your map for output (e.g., to put in a report, hang on the wall, or publish on the Web). When you are placing the different map elements on the map layout, you are actually working with a map page (i.e., in page units). Layout view is analogous to a layout in prior versions of ArcView GIS. Data view Choose Data view when you want to browse the geographic data on your map or edit the different layers. When you are working with the data (i.e., editing features), you are working in map units. Note that you can edit in both Layout view and Data view; however, it makes more sense that you would do most of your editing in Data view because the Magnifier and Overview windows are only available in Data view. Data view Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Data frames Containers for layers and graphics Can have indexes and graticules Have a coordinate system Project on the fly First layer sets default Layout view USA data frame (Albers Equal Area) A data frame is a container that stores all layers related to a specific theme. The content in a data frame can later become the map body in your final layout. When you start ArcMap for the first time, the Table of Contents initiates with a data frame called Layers. You can change the name of the data frame to something more meaningful, and you can have more than one data frame in a map document. This allows you to add more than one map on the same map sheet. For example, you could add additional data frames as index maps and inset maps. A data frame can have indexes and/or graticules added so you can have a reference system (or perhaps several reference systems) in your final map layout. These are properties of the data frame and not the layers. A data frame also has a coordinate system associated with it. The first layer added to the data frame will govern the coordinate system and projection of the data frame. Subsequent layers that are added to the data frame will be projected on the fly to this coordinate system. Your map can have many different projections, because each data frame can have a different projection. World data frame (No projection) Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Data frame status Select to move New layers are added to active data frame Data view displays active data frame (bold in TOC) Focus to add graphics inside the data frame Focused Active Selected In Layout view, select a data frame by clicking it. A data frame is selected when blue handles appear in a box surrounding the data frame. Once selected, it can be moved around your map page. Data frames can also be active. The bold data frame in the Table of Contents is the active data frame. New layers are always added to the active data frame. Data view also displays the data in the active data frame. You can activate different data frames by right-clicking on them and clicking Activate, or by clicking on a data frame on the map page in Layout view. Normally, graphics added to your page are independent of the data frame. If you want to add graphics within a data frame while in Layout view, first focus the data frame by double-clicking on it. Once graphics are added to a focused data frame, the graphics are inside the data frame, so they will move and scale with it. Adding a graphic to a focused data frame accomplishes the same thing as adding a graphic to a data frame while in Data view. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Storing map documents Saved as MXD file by default Can save as a template (MXT) Can store relative or full path names File > Map properties > Data Source Options Graphic formats BMP, EMF, EPS, PDF ArcPress formats BIL, BIP, BSQ , TIFF, JPEG, PCX, PNG Once your map design is complete, the map document is saved as an MXD file by default. You can choose to save it in several other formats: A template (MXT) If you intend to use the same map layout for multiple maps, you can save the layout as a template with standardized map elements. Templates can store everything that a document can store, including layers, graphics, and customizations. Graphic formats You can export the map in the following graphic formats: Windows bitmap (BMP), enhanced Windows metafile (EMF), encapsulated postscript (EPS), potable document format (PDF), tag image file format (TIFF), joint photographic experts group (JPEG), and computer graphics metafile (CGM). ArcPress formats You can also export the map in several ArcPress formats: TIFF, JPEG, PCX (*.pcx), and PNG (*.png). By default, ArcMap saves the map document with the full pathnames of the data used in creating the layers; however, you can save the data with relative paths, which may be more practical at times. To save the map document with relative paths, click the File menu, choose Map Properties, and from the ArcInfo Properties menu, click Data Source Options. In the Data Source Options window, choose either ‘Store full path names’ or ‘Store relative path names’. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Log-in to ArcGIS Let’s start ArcGIS. just type “dts” in your Explorer browser ( ) Let’s try some exercises to learn how to navigate around. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Working with ArcToolbox Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
ArcToolbox Goals Introduction to ArcToolbox Tool groups Tools Toolbox options How ArcToolbox works This lesson introduces ArcToolbox, the third and final application of ArcGIS Desktop. You will learn how the functionality of ArcToolbox is grouped into tools and wizards. You will also learn how ArcToolbox works and how to customize ArcToolbox to look and work the way you want it to. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Introduction to ArcToolbox Graphical User Interface for Geoprocessing framework Hundreds of tools. Works with ArcCatalog and ArcMap (drag and drop) ArcToolbox provides a rich and powerful set of geoprocessing functions, with well over 100 tools for easy access and use. Simply select the tool you want to use, and open it to perform the desired geoprocessing operation. ArcToolbox is the Desktop application that provides access to many of ArcInfo’s powerful coverage processing, conversion, and analysis functions. The functionality available in ArcToolbox has some of the same functionality you will find in the Arc command line in ArcInfo workstation. ArcToolbox has tools for loading data into the geodatabase, as well as conversion tools for a wide variety of formats. When accessing a tool or wizard in ArcToolbox, you can click on any item in ArcMap or ArcCatalog (e.g., feature class, coverage, shapefile) and drag and drop it in the required input location in ArcToolbox. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
The Tool tree Tools organized by function Tree is only three levels deep: easy to find the tool you want Tree objects Toolbox Tool sets Models Scripts Tools The Toolbox tree consists of four types of objects: Toolbox These are the major tool groupings: Data Management Tools, Analysis Tools, Conversion Tools. Tool sets These are the sub groupings of similar tools inside a toolbox. Tools When select a tool, there will be one menu for each tool. A tool performs a process when executed. It requires at least an input and an output parameters. Models A chain of tools/process that is executed in a sequential manner. These can be viewed in Model Builder as a diagram. There are models that come with the software. Custom models can be created by using Model Builder. Scripts Similar to a model, a script is also a chain of tools/processes executed in a sequential manner, but visualized in code rather than a diagram. The Geoprocessing framework supports three scripting languages: Python, VBScript, JScript. The most common scripting language for Geoprocessing is Python. These scripts can be viewed in their editing application. Some scripts come with the software. Custom scripts can be created and imported into ArcToolbox. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Toolboxes Data Management Analysis Conversion Merge, Append, Copy, Rename Analysis Clip, Buffer, Erase, Intersect, Union Conversion Convert GIS data between coverages, shapefiles, geodatabase, CAD The tools in ArcToolbox are organized into four major sections: Data Management Tools, Analysis Tools, Conversion Tools, and My Tools. Within each major tool set, the tools in ArcToolbox are further subdivided and grouped by function. For example, the Overlay tools of the Analysis tools. Under each subdivision, individual tools appear in a third level in the Tool tree. Since the Toolbox tree is only three levels deep, it is easy to find a particular tool. Data Management This is a collection of toolsets that are used to define features and attributes and prepare coverages for spatial and attribute analysis. They consist of tools for working with Append, COGO, routes and region creation, generalization, topology, projections, and table functionalities. The Build Geometric Network wizard is the only tool that works on a data format other then coverages. Analysis This is a collection of geoprocessing toolsets. They work on coverages, spatial features, and related attribute data. The Analysis tools consist of tools for working with Extract, Overlay, Proximity, Statistics, and Surface functionalities. Conversion These tools work with common geographic data formats, including coverages, shapefiles, grids, DEMs, DLGs, SDTSs, TIGERs, TINs, attribute data, and ESRI’s new data formats. My Tools This is a collection of the ArcToolbox tools you access most frequently, or those tools you designed and wrote yourself. If you think you’ll be using a tool frequently and would like to add it to the MyTools tool set, right-click on it and click the Send option on the context menu. Now you can access the tool from this location, rather than searching for it in the other three tool sets. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Working with tools One panel Help The Buffer tool When you already understand what a specific geoprocessing operation does and know its required input and output parameters (i.e., the arguments of the command), you can use a tool in ArcToolbox. There is only one panel for any tool. The tools have input fields that come up with smart defaults to save you time and direct you to the correct input choices. All tools have a Help that explains how to use them when you click Show Help. With Show Help open, you may click on each item to get item specific help. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Setting input/output dataset names Entering your data Type into field Drag to field from ArcCatalog Use minibrowser When using a tool, you can enter input data names into the input data fields one of two ways: 1. You can type in the name of the input data. 2. You can search for the input data in ArcCatalog, and then drag and drop it into the input field of the tool or wizard. 3. You can use the minibrowser button (with an open folder icon), located to the right of the input field. This enables you to browse to the location of the input data and select it. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Finding tools Find tools from Index or Search tab. ArcToolbox lets you search for a particular tool if you are unable to locate it in the Tool tree. This may be especially beneficial for users of previous versions of ArcInfo who would like to execute a specific command or operation, and who are looking for a tool with a similar function in ArcToolbox. To find a tool by name, click the Index tab and type in the name. The Search tab prompts you to enter a keyword or phrase of the tool and/or its functionality. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Model Builder Workflow diagram Series of processes executed in a sequence. You automate your work flow by stringing processes together in the model diagram that will execute in sequence when the model is run. It makes processes and the relationships between processes explicit, and the model you create is dynamically updated whenever a change is made. It lets you set values for the parameters of each tool, and it records this information, making the model output easily reproducible. It lets you edit the structure of the model by adding and deleting processes or changing the relationships between the processes. It lets you edit the parameter values defined for tools to experiment with alternative outcomes. Model Builder accepts models or scripts as a process as well, not just tools. Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox
Congratulations, we’re done Part 2! Questions!? Up next, tomorrow morning, Part 3: Tables Query & Analysis Graphs & Reports Part 2: Layers and Layouts and ArcToolbox