JSPAC Conference Sacramento, CA December 3-4, 2008
Local Interagency Teams 1. Outcome focused (jobs & independent living) 2. Identify, create and maintain services & supports. 3. Flexible in including new team members 4. Multi-agency service delivery system
State Interagency Teams 1. Interagency agreements focused on cooperative efforts 2. Identification & Improvement in Systems Issues 3. Enhanced funding streams 4. Technical Assistance
SSA and Ticket to Work Department of Rehabilitation Regional Center/DDS Area Boards Education Adult Ed City/Community Classes ROP Community Colleges CA State Universities University of California Private Universities Business Partners Hospitals Recreation Groups Community Partners Adult Agencies One Stop Centers Chambers of Commerce Protection and Advocacy Mental Health Services HUD Social Services/Department of Childrens Services Foster Care Probation /Law Enforcement Transportation Agencies City Government Parent's support groups Workforce Investment Act Board 7
Each person will get to select three round table discussions to participate in. Each discussion will last approximately 20 minutes. A bell will ring when it is time to switch to a new table. Please move quickly when it is time to change tables. When all the chairs are occupied, that table is closed, Please select another discussion & move to that table. Extra handouts will be available at the conclusion of the round table discussions.
Table 1- WUHSD + Department of Rehabilitation Interagency Agreements, Specific To Secondary Transition Planning Richard Rosenberg & John Kimura Table 2 - BRIDGES – WUHSD & DOR Bridges SSI/SSDI & Benefits Planning Teri Chang & Loran Vetter Table 3 – SVUSD & CUSD Project Search an Employment Training Program Bobby Menn & Sheri Hightower Table 4 - CUSD & SVUSD Work Initiative & Regional Center Gerry Strickland & Lynn Smith Table 5 - IUSD & SVUSD Workforce Investment Act, One Stop & Foster Youth Linda ONeal & Katrina Zepeda Table 6 - VUSD & NMUSD Post-Secondary Education/Career Planning Joyce Montgomery & Angie Riedel
Richard Rosenberg, Ph.D x1250 Whittier Union High School District Linda ONeal, MA Irvine Unified School District Loran Vetter, MS Department of Rehabilitation