outline: 1. Introductory Activity: online media as a tool for collaborative learning Facilitators: Veronica Carr & Megan Vandendriessche (LC Peer Mentors) 2. Introduction to Learning Communities Presenters: Erin DeLathouwer, Joel Fonstad & Megan Marcoux (LC Staff) 3. TED Talk/YouTube Video Activity: online media as a pedagogical tool in the classroom Facilitators: Lesley Biggs (LC Faculty Advisor) & Erin DeLathouwer (LC Program Coordinator)
“A Vision of Students Today” is a YouTube video that went viral in The video was a class project for an Introduction to Cultural Anthropology course out of Kansas State University. 200 students participated in the creation of this class project. Click here to watch “A Vision of Students Today” Video Click here to watch “A Vision of Students Today” Video introductory activity: online media as a tool for collaborative learning
To the extent that this YouTube video speaks on behalf of your students, we ask that you respond: The slips of paper that we’ll be distributing contain claims about what it’s like to be a student today, based on data collected through the creation of this video project – this information represents the collective voice from one American university classroom in Take a few minutes, on your own, to consider the statement on the piece of paper you have chosen. As a professor, how would you respond to this claim? In groups of 3, discuss your responses. If something stood out to you in your small-group discussion, you will have the opportunity to share back with the whole group. introductory activity:
an alumni namesake mentor Cameron LC - AR21 For Those Interested in Exploring Teaching, Culture and Humanity a themea numbera name2-3 classes2-4 professorsa schedulean LC hour Each LC has: History English 110.6Archeology Colleen S. Jaime W. Robert EnglebertLindsay BancoElizabeth Robertson 2 peer mentors
goals OF THE LC PROGRAM: connectedness: between people between ideas directedness: towards self-directed learning towards program, career, and life goals
22 Learning Communities, 3 Colleges, 44 Peer Mentors, 37 Professors
community engagement unique community-building activities and interviews, engagement in the broader community, attention to global issues collaborative learning study skills and time management, group study, leadership program and career direction group academic advising, seeking mentorship and stories (First-Year to First Career) academic enrichment small group discussions, multidisciplinary panels, symposiums on global issues and LC themes (TED talks) WITHIN, BETWEEN, AND BEYOND First-Year Learning Communities PEER MENTOR - LED LC Hours FOCUS ON :
Step 1 : In groups of 3, take two minutes to explain the TEDTalk or YouTube video linked to your Learning Community. Be sure to communicate with your group which courses (including yours) are associated with the Learning Community’s talk. If you are teaching a course with more than one LC, please choose ONE talk to discuss at this workshop. TED TALK/YOUTUBE VIDEO activity: online media as a pedagogical tool in the classroom
Step 2 : In same groups of 3 take a few minutes to discuss the following questions, noting relevant insights from your colleagues: 1. Is your TEDTalk appropriate for your class? Why or why not? In what way(s) does the TEDTalk complement the material in your class/course? In what way(s) does the TEDTalk contradict the material in your class/course? 2. Is your TEDTalk appropriate for your associated Learning Community, given the program goals (connectedness and directedness)? Why or why not? 3. How can the theme of the LC or the TEDTalk benefit your entire class? TED TALK/YOUTUBE VIDEO activity: online media as a pedagogical tool in the classroom
Step 3 : As a larger group, discuss the following questions: Do TEDtalks enable students to draw connections between course materials and the "real" world? How would you facilitate students in making these connections? Do TEDtalks enable students to draw connections between the local and the global? How would you facilitate students in making these connections? Do you think TEDtalks inspire you and your students to look for other learning resources? TED TALK/YOUTUBE VIDEO activity: online media as a pedagogical tool in the classroom
Step 4: Take a minute to think about, and jot down, one teaching technique you might use to integrate some of the ideas from this workshop into your course.* Feel free to reference the Collaborative Learning Teaching Techniques hand-out. *We would like to collect these ideas, compile them into one document and circulate to all instructors teaching a course with one or more LCs. TED TALK/YOUTUBE VIDEO activity: online media as a pedagogical tool in the classroom
TED: “A Vision of Students Today”: Learning Communities: Gwenna Moss Centre: LC Peer Mentor Handbook: %20Final%20Draft%20PDF.pdfhttp:// %20Final%20Draft%20PDF.pdf ADDITIONAL resources :