Affixes we have learned Dr.Frankenstein s Word Parts- Affixes
ology Study or science of
Ped/pod foot
poly many
The/Theo god
ism belief
bi two
lith stone
pre before
ante before
neo New
meso middle
Pal/pale Old/ ancient
tri three
mono one
a/an without
Bellum war
bene Good/well
auto self
astro star
Bi/di two
bio life
ism Belief in
homo same
phon sound
tele Distance/ from afar
un not
onym name
pan all
audi To hear
phobia Fear of
geo earth
Hydro/aqua water
terra earth
chron time
poly many
Theo/o god
poly many
Pale/o Old/ancient
meter measure
re again
log Speak/word/ reason
Con/com together
extra beyond
sub under
graph write
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