Supporting Communities to Create Places Where All Youth Thrive A free web-based resource for leaders in communities and schools across Ontario who work with youth ages YouThrive acknowledges the support of the Government of Ontario. What is YouThrive?
This session is designed to provide: -Introduction to YouThrive -Overview of development process, content, and key concepts -Opportunity to learn about the YouThrive partnership -Orientation to its practical use Session Objectives
To learn what supports were needed to implement the revised Health and Physical Education curriculum, extensive consultations were conducted in To learn what supports were needed to implement the revised Health and Physical Education curriculum, extensive consultations were conducted in Results revealed an overwhelming need for supports and resources that: Results revealed an overwhelming need for supports and resources that: – Extend and reinforce the learning related to: healthy eating, tobacco use and exposure, alcohol/substance misuse, and mental health – Apply the Foundations for a Healthy Schools Framework – Reinforce and further advance the vision and expectations of the H&PE curriculum, and other key provincial policies The Need
Partnerships with leading agencies in mental health, substance use, tobacco use, and youth engagement Partnerships with leading agencies in mental health, substance use, tobacco use, and youth engagement Funding secured from the Government of Ontario through Healthy Communities Fund Funding secured from the Government of Ontario through Healthy Communities Fund Environmental scan of existing resources Environmental scan of existing resources Needs assessment with community health, public health, education, and parks and recreation leaders Needs assessment with community health, public health, education, and parks and recreation leaders The Response
Majority of respondents identified a gap in mental health resources Majority of respondents identified a gap in mental health resources Respondents felt that the development of a resource would meet their needs, and help to close the gap Respondents felt that the development of a resource would meet their needs, and help to close the gap Respondents wanted a resource that was interactive, practical, and easily accessible (online) Respondents wanted a resource that was interactive, practical, and easily accessible (online) Needs Assessment Key Findings Connecting You to YouThrive Connecting You to YouThrive
Key Question: How do we help young people to successfully manage life’s ups and downs, and to avoid acting in ways that can harm their health? How do we help young people to successfully manage life’s ups and downs, and to avoid acting in ways that can harm their health?Answer: 1.Apply a health promotion approach to promote young people’s health and well-being 2.Address factors that enhance mental health and create supportive environments The Theory Behind YouThrive
Health Promotion Action #1: Build healthy public policy Health Promotion Action #1: Build healthy public policy Health Promotion Action #2: Create supportive environments Health Promotion Action #2: Create supportive environments Health Promotion Action #3: Strengthen community actions Health Promotion Action #3: Strengthen community actions Health Promotion Action #4: Develop personal skills Health Promotion Action #4: Develop personal skills Health Promotion Action #5: Re-orient health services Health Promotion Action #5: Re-orient health services Cross-Cutting Strategy #1: Youth engagement Cross-Cutting Strategy #1: Youth engagement Cross-Cutting Strategy #2: Social inclusion and equity Cross-Cutting Strategy #2: Social inclusion and equity The Theory Behind YouThrive 1. Apply a Health Promotion Approach The Theory Behind YouThrive 2. Address factors that enhance mental health & create supportive environments Key determinants of mental health: Key determinants of mental health: – Social inclusion – Freedom from discrimination and violence – Economic participation Resilience Resilience Engagement Engagement YouThrive Video Connecting You to Make the Links Connecting You to Make the Links Connecting You to Success Stories Connecting You to Action Now Connecting You to Take Stock Connecting You to Prioritize Connecting You to Strategize Connecting You to Act Connecting You to Reflect Connecting You to Repeat in Your Setting How could you use in your school, community, or organization? in Your Setting Can be used for: Can be used for: – Professional development – Train-the-trainer – Funding proposals – Activities to do with youth – H&PE classes – Drawing upon information from website for articles on youth in different contexts YouThrive introduces a theoretical framework that can be applied to work with youth YouThrive introduces a theoretical framework that can be applied to work with youth – Does not provide a precise recipe to apply – Rather an overall framework to inform work with youth Connecting You to Help Contact Information Ryan Albright, Marianne Kobus-Matthews, Gail Glatt,