CS 854 – Hot Topics in Computer and Communications Security Fall 2006 Introduction
Urs Hengartner2CS HoTCCS Overview Goals Organization Paper Survey – Part I
Urs Hengartner3CS HoTCCS Goals Research wise Introduce current research problems in computer and communications security Study proposed solutions Hopefully come up with new solutions Research project Grad-student skills Reviewing papers Giving presentations
Urs Hengartner4CS HoTCCS Topics (tentative) Privacy in general Pervasive computing Location privacy RFID privacy Usability Phishing Graphical passwords Trusted computing Worms/botnets Secure software Electronic voting Side-channel attacks
Urs Hengartner5CS HoTCCS The AOL Privacy Disaster August 6: AOL released 20 million search queries from 658,000 users To protect users’ anonymity, AOL assigned random number to each user “numb fingers” “landscapers in Lilburn, Ga” “how to kill your wife” August 9: New York Times article re-identified user Thelma Arnold, 62-year old widow from Lilburn, GA
Urs Hengartner6CS HoTCCS RFID Tags Barcodes of the future Passive device that receives power from reader Wireless communication with range of up to several meters Tag calls out its unique number and static data
Urs Hengartner7CS HoTCCS Wig model #4456 (cheap polyester) Das Kapital and Communist- party handbook 1500 Euros in wallet Serial numbers: , … 30 items of lingerie Replacement hip medical part # The RFID Privacy Problem Mr. Jones in 2015 © Ari Juels
Urs Hengartner8CS HoTCCS Security and Usability © Lorrie Cranor
Urs Hengartner9CS HoTCCS Overview Goals Organization Paper Survey – Part I
Urs Hengartner10CS HoTCCS Meetings Time: MW 2:30-4pm Probably 4:05pm with break in the middle Location: DC 3314 Different from today!
Urs Hengartner11CS HoTCCS Prerequisites No formal prerequisites Basic knowledge of computer systems/networks helpful Papers range from high-level discussion about privacy to low-level discussion about stack layouts
Urs Hengartner12CS HoTCCS Lectures First three lectures: cryptography/security introduction given by me Following lectures: Two students will each present and lead a discussion on a research paper See course website for schedule
Urs Hengartner13CS HoTCCS Grading One assignment: 5% Paper presentations: 25% Paper reviews: 10% Class participation: 10% Includes presentation feedback Research project :50%
Urs Hengartner14CS HoTCCS Paper Review Goal: learn what makes a good paper So that you can write your own good papers Every student should read the two mandatory papers before each lecture See course website for papers Every student should submit a review for one of the two papers by noon the day of the presentation See course website for instructions (Anonymized) reviews will be posted online
Urs Hengartner15CS HoTCCS Paper Presentation Goal: practice your presentation skills Every student should present 2-3 research papers during term Workshop/conference-style presentation Present work as it is your own Carefully prepare your slides Figures instead of text Maybe additional background material About 30 minutes Send me slides before lecture
Urs Hengartner16CS HoTCCS Paper Discussion Discussion follows presentation Presenter of paper gives his/her opinion about paper Presenter comes up with interesting questions and leads a discussion 15 minutes
Urs Hengartner17CS HoTCCS Presentation Feedback Feedback is essential for training speaking skills Every student should submit a review for each presentation by noon the day after a presentation See course website for review form Look at review form before preparing your presentation (Anonymized) feedback will be sent to presenter
Urs Hengartner18CS HoTCCS Project Goal: novel research in the area of security, cryptography, or privacy Might lead to workshop/conference submission Free to choose your topic Instructor will present sample topics In groups of two Proposal: October 16 Presentation: December 4 Write-up: December 6
Urs Hengartner19CS HoTCCS Questions? Teaching
Urs Hengartner20CS HoTCCS Overview Goals Organization Paper Survey – Part I
Urs Hengartner21CS HoTCCS Paper Survey – Part I Mandatory and optional papers Optional: Ideas for discussion questions & projects Each student should present 2-3 mandatory papers First paper will be assigned September 18 Second paper once registration has settled down TODO: Send me list of three papers that you would like to present by September 17 Optional: Tell me why