Flowchart and Proposal Document for New Certificate/Diploma/Degree, New Course, Changes in Certificate/Diploma/Degree, and Change to a Course. Rationale for new chart and proposal document The attached new flowchart and proposal document have been developed by the Deans of Education under the guidance of the VP Education. The goal of this process has been: To streamline information gathering To devise a fully integrated continuum from concept to implementation To establish a coordinated approach to consultations To provide time-sensitive input to concept developers To ensure all relevant support services are consulted To identify potential time lines for proposal approval and implementation To provide the VP Education and Executive a couple of opportunities to review proposals This process addresses former inconsistencies in the old process that often resulted in duplication of tasks, unclear approval processes, and the disadvantage of having a proposal proceed too far only to be halted or turned down. The enclosed flowchart and proposal document address programs contained within base budget, continuing studies and cost recovery operations. The Deans are presently working on a parallel flowchart and proposal document process t hat will address contracts, affiliations, third-party arrangements, partnerships and collaborations. This document should be available in the late fall. Reading the Document The flowchart reads both horizontally and vertically. Horizontally The four stages of the concept/approval continuum are indicated by colour coding. Colour coding indicates chronological development of the four stages of process Vertically Each colour coded area refers developers to distinct sections in the proposal document that have to be filled in, activities and approvals which are indicated top to bottom. The level of detail in the sections of the Proposal document, activities and approval processes will vary depending on the complexity of the proposal. The bottom area of the flowchart allows users to estimate the amount of time required to proceed from concept to implementation. Where to find this flowchart The flowchart and proposal documents are located in the Curriculum Committee folder on the J Drive as read-only documents. The flowchart and Proposal document are also available for downloading from the Centre for Instructional Development website under the Curriculum Development pillar. Further information on the flowchart and Proposal documentation can be obtained by writing to Sara Ahadi at
Forms: Proposal for New Certificate/Diploma Program: Sections 1 -4 Suggested Timelines for the Approval Process (September N Start)** Note: This timeline does not include department’s work on the proposal. Stage 1: Idea Stage 2: DesignStage 3: Development Proposal for New Certificate/Diploma Program: Sections 5– 14 Proposal for New Certificate/Diploma Program: Section 15– 17 Activity Approval Process Department/School Collaboration LET (Approval) Executive (Approval) Proposal: 1 – 4 from Department Proposal: 5 – 14 Work with CID EDCO (For Information) Management (For Information) Inform and seek direction from all Service Stakeholders. EdCo (Educational Advice to the Board) Board (Approval) Proposal: 15 – 17 work with CID Curriculum Committee (Review, Recommend) Executive (Strategic Approval) Suggested Timelines for the Approval Process (January N Start) Meet with All Impacted Areas (Section 13) to review proposal e.g. Financial Aid, Counseling, Marketing, Library, IT. PSIPS/ DQAB/B CCAT/Ot her Stage 4: Implementation* Registrar Process for a New Certificate/Diploma/Degree Program Activity Review Fees Submit New Course Outline Form (Reg/Fin/RSS) Dean/Finance Department Head Send Spreadsheet to Scheduler Records Department Complete Schedule Spreadsheet Department Head Approve Schedule and Return to Scheduler Department Head/Dean Begin Admissions Process Registrar's Office Approach Publicity Director of Marketing & Dean New Student Orientation Department Management of Back Filling and Inserts TBD Sponsor - Launch Phase - (Non-chronological) - Pre-Launch Phase - January N – 1 – AprilSeptember – November May N-2 – AugustFebruary – May September – January May – September Store Final Copy of Approved Docs on Common Drive Administrative Assistant Begin Approval of Financial Eligibility Financial Aid Inform Registrar of Schedule Scheduler Build Admissions Information in Banner Registrar’s Office Dean to Inform All Service Areas *Refer to Checklist in Stage 4. Consult with RSS Department/School Collaboration LET (Review) Department/School Collaboration LET (Approval)