Ch.10 - Homicide Categories of homicide Context of homicide Profile of killers & victims Atypical Homicides Deterrence Theory
Categories of homicide 1 st degree 2 nd degree Manslaughter infanticide
Crimes most likely to end in homicide Other violent offences Sexual assault and assault Arson Kidnapping
Offenders & Victims Most murderers act alone Most homicides involve a single victim Method: Stabbing, shooting & beating Location: Victim’s home, public place, other private homes Murder seasonal in U.S.; not Canada Alcohol a situational factor Homicide-suicide rare (less than 10%) Upper class murder normally 1 st degree
Atypical homicides Swarming (I.e. Rena Burke) Serial killers Mass murderers Riots Terrorism
Deterrence Theory & Capital Punishment Three functions of capital punishment: 1. Prevents killer from killing again 2. Represents retribution 3. Deters potential murderers