Ch. 3 Map Assignment Notes  Ile Ste. Croix, was located on the border between what is now Maine and New Brunswick. The Ile Ste. Croix settlement had failed.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch. 3 Map Assignment Notes  Ile Ste. Croix, was located on the border between what is now Maine and New Brunswick. The Ile Ste. Croix settlement had failed due to the lack of food, water, and fuel wood on the island. Ile Ste. Croix MaineNew Brunswick Ile Ste. Croix MaineNew Brunswick

Ch. 3 Map Assignment Notes  Port Royal was the second permanent European settlement in North America north of Florida, having been founded in 1605 by Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Monts and Samuel de Champlain. It was built as a replacement for his initial attempt at colonising Ile Ste. Croix 1605Pierre Dugua, Sieur de MontsSamuel de Champlain Ile Ste. Croix1605Pierre Dugua, Sieur de MontsSamuel de Champlain Ile Ste. Croix

Ch. 3 Map Assignment Notes  From a strategic point of view, Île Royale (Cape Breton) was better located than Île Saint-Jean (P.E.I.) for a settlement. It was therefore decided to locate the new colony here, including a large military port to protect fishing and merchant vessels.  From a strategic point of view, Île Royale (Cape Breton) was better located than Île Saint-Jean (P.E.I.) for a settlement. It was therefore decided to locate the new colony here, including a large military port to protect fishing and merchant vessels.  In 1719, Louisbourg was chosen as the site of a naval base and a strongly fortified port. Although a prosperous little French colony, living essentially from fishing and agriculture, remained on Île Saint Jean and in a few other small settlements on Île Royale, most of the French colony on the Atlantic was henceforth concentrated at Louisbourg.  In 1719, Louisbourg was chosen as the site of a naval base and a strongly fortified port. Although a prosperous little French colony, living essentially from fishing and agriculture, remained on Île Saint Jean and in a few other small settlements on Île Royale, most of the French colony on the Atlantic was henceforth concentrated at Louisbourg.  As the years passed, massive fortifications were built, and the vast majority of troops on Île Royale came to be stationed at Louisbourg. The garrison included not only Frenchmen but also, eventually, Swiss mercenaries.

Ch. 3 Map Assignment Notes  The Treaty of Utrecht (1713), also called the Peace of Utrecht, ended hostilities between Britain and France both in Europe and in America.  The Treaty of Utrecht (1713), also called the Peace of Utrecht, ended hostilities between Britain and France both in Europe and in America.  In early Canada, there were several commercial wars initiated to capture trade monopolies and determine ownership of land. These skirmishes caused a lot of uneasiness and mistrust between the French and English.  The Utrecht agreement defined who owned portions of Canada, including Acadia, the Maritimes and Hudson Bay and eased the tension between the two countries.

Ch. 3 Map Assignment Notes  Under the terms of the Treaty, France was stripped of two colonies important to the lucrative cod fishery - Acadia and Newfoundland. King Louis XIV, bankrupted by war, agreed to cede French land in North America to England, so the French passed most of Acadia to Britain.  Under the terms of the Treaty, France was stripped of two colonies important to the lucrative cod fishery - Acadia and Newfoundland. King Louis XIV, bankrupted by war, agreed to cede French land in North America to England, so the French passed most of Acadia to Britain.  They still possessed a portion, one example being New Brunswick because of difficulties in interpreting Acadia's actual size. As well, France retained Cape Breton Island, Ile St. Jean, the St. Lawrence Peninsula and the St. Lawrence River. France also agreed to restore the drainage basin of Hudson Bay and to compensate England for its wartime losses.

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