CMPT 275 Software Engineering Course Information SUMMER 2014 Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Best Sources of Information Extensive information about course content and expectations for successful course completion can be found By attending lectures By reading the textbook and other suggested readings By referring to the information and resources listed on the CMPT 275 website at Janice Regan, 2008-2014
How is the course graded? Midterm (October 22): 15% Project: 50% Final (December 9) : 35% To receive a grade of C- or above you must have a passing grade in the course, and a passing exam grade. A passing exam grade is defined as Midterm % * 0.15 + Final % * 0.35 > 0.250 Janice Regan, 2008-2014
How is the project graded? Deliverable 1 - Client meeting: 4% Deliverable 2 – Requirements v1: 3% Deliverable 3 - Client Requirements Review: 4% Deliverable 4 – Requirements/Model: 5% Deliverable 5 – User Manual: 4% Deliverable 6 - Design: 8% Deliverable 7 – Testing: 3% Iteration Review 1 3% Iteration Review 2 3% Deliverable 8 – Final project submission: 5% User Acceptance Test: 8% Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Meetings outside of Class You will be expected to have regular group meetings outside of class time In addition to your own group meetings there are 5 additional meetings outside of class time during the term Requirements Gathering 2 X 1hour Iteration Reviews 2 X 25 minutes Final User Acceptance Test 1 hour Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Iteration reviews Will be held Wed. July 16th, July 23rd Will be held during and after class on these days. Each iteration review is 20-25 minutes long You will demonstrate the features promised for the iteration in your implementation plan Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Out of class client Meetings The client meeting (May 15-16), the client requirement review meeting (June 4-6) and the user acceptance test (July 30 – Aug. 1) are also out of class meetings All team members must attend these meeting Any member missing one of these meeting will receive a grade of 0 for that meeting These meetings will be scheduled early in the term (more later today). Find links to schedules for these meetings at Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Scheduling out of class meetings It is extremely difficult to schedule these meetings To make it as simple as possible I will give you a list of possible times for each of the three 1 hour meetings Each group must give me 4-5 selections of times (in order of preference) at which they can attend such meetings. Janice Regan, 2008-2014
What are deliverables Each of the Deliverables is a series of tasks (an assignment) Each group demonstrates their understanding of the software engineering methods learned in class by working through the tasks within the related deliverable Different phases or stages of the project are parts of different deliverables Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Deliverable expectations Detailed descriptions of each deliverable are already available on the course website Due dates for each deliverable are also given on this page Each detailed description includes a summary of the expected content and an indication of how marks will be distributed Except under exceptional conditions all team members will receive the same grade Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Deliverable due dates Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Example Deliverable description (1) Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Example Deliverable Description (2) Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Questions? There will always be an opportunity to ask questions at the beginning of each lecture If something is not clear to you during a lecture, ask about it immediately If you need more individual interaction come to the instructors office hours or the TA's office hours to discuss points that are not clear Email a question to the instructor or TA. Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Questions? Instructor and TA office hours and contact information is found at Email instructions at Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Emails Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Contact Information Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Instructors Schedule Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Preparing for lectures A course overview and approximate schedule is given at Read the suggested readings for the lecture and the posted lecture notes before class. Think of any questions that may help you to clarify previous material at the start of the class, or to clarify new material during class Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Readings and lecture notes Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Other important information There are general expectations for the preparation of deliverables. These can be found at Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Academic Dishonesty Any work submitted by your group must be the original work prepared by that group Any information, code, etc. that is not original must have its source cited Failure to follow these simple rules will result in penalties appropriate to the seriousness of the offence SFU Academic Honesty policies can be found at Janice Regan, 2008-2014
CMPT 275 Software Engineering Group selection for your term project Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Term project Specifications will be provided Development will be done using JAVA with Swing or C++ with QT This course is about the engineering and design of software, much of the grade will be based on the design and development rather than just the operation of the final product. Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Groups Your term project will be completed in groups of 7 students You may choose your own groups. If your group has less than 7 students I will assign additional students to your group If necessary I reserve the right assign the students in your group to other groups Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Creating Groups During the first lecture you will be asked to form groups of 7 students Each of the newly formed groups will be asked to help schedule out of class meetings for the term Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Out of class 1-hr meetings Requirements Gathering meeting May 15-16 Requirements Review meeting June 4-6 User acceptance test July 30 – Aug. 1 Janice Regan, 2008-2014
USER ACCEPTANCE TEST Janice Regan, 2008-2014
Group Information Please send the instructor an email containing Full names of all group members For each of the schedules shown on the previous three slides provide at least four time slots you are available for meetings (in order of preference ) If there are not 4 times that all members of your team may be present, let me know how many people cannot make each of your later choices. Janice Regan, 2008-2014
How do I know? I will post schedules for the out of class 1 hour meetings (same slot for all 3 meetings for each group) The 25 minute iteration review meetings These schedules can be accessed from the deliverable schedule web page Janice Regan, 2008-2014