1 Copyright © 2012 Telcordia Technologies, Inc All Rights Reserved Telcordia IP Interconnection ENUM Registry Solution John P. Malyar Chief Architect Adam Newman Sr. Business Developer Joseph E. Clark III Principal Engineer Interconnection Solutions Architecture and Demonstration
2 Together, we set out to consolidate our leadership in Operations and Business Support Systems. With the industry’s broadest portfolio to manage and monetize the world's most dynamic networks, we will lead the way into a new era of converged communications. Our solutions and holistic insights empower customers to have smarter processes and operations, resulting in an outstanding customer experience. Learn more:
3 Telcordia ENUM Registry Solution GLOBAL… INTEGRATION… FLEXIBLE… STANDARD… EASILY… authoritative subscriber-based interconnection data for all communication services with number portability sources for accurate Service Provider identification provisioning interface is flexible with automated rules based provisioning interface for data access extensible to new data types such as presence and location as they become available Designated Provider Country Code 1 ENUM LLC Root
4 IP Interconnection using DNS Registry – Tiered Approach Tier-0 Tier-1 Tier-2 Directs DNS query to country’s Tier-1 registry(ies). NS record* provided for each Tier-1 registry Directs DNS query to customer’s Tier-2 providers. NS record provided for each subscriber’s telephone number or other appropriate digit block * An NS record is an authoritative name server DNS record used to delegate to subordinates Stores list of service-specific internet addresses in of URI’s in a DNS resource record called NAPTR for each subscriber/digit block. Returns the full list of Internet addresses associated with the E.164 number being queried. Registry Provider CC 1
5 Why a DNS Registry? DNS query-response protocol is as standard and inexpensive as it’s possible to get. e.g. Every Internet-capable computer has the standard DNS protocol built-in. DNS queries can be used “recursively” to start at a fixed point and navigate through a set of delegations to find Resource Record information for any valid domain name So, if we can do these things: Express a Telephone Number as a domain name (the ENUM Name), and Define a delegation path (series of NS Record, pointing sequentially to a set of DNS servers), and Store the required information at the end of that path as a Resource Record (in this case, a NAPTR record) then, the Originating SP has a well-understood, inexpensive way to get the information in real-time.
6 Telcordia Registry Features that will be demonstrated: A Tier 0/1 database that associates the Name Server (NS) records of User members to TNs, NXXs, LRNs, or NXX-Xs. FLEXIBLE Shared Registration Service (SRS) to allow Service Providers of Record (SPR) to enter information, with automated provisioning interface also available Real-Time Query, also available Zone Data Management/Propagation and Customized data delivery options SPs can control their own Tier 2 system and network queries ENUM Tier 0/1 Query Service available with ability to add Tier 2 services ContactInfo Query Service
7 Solution Overview: Functional Diagram PROVISIONING DISTRIBUTION
8 Flexible Provisioning Processing Provisioning three input mechanisms: User web GUI (also supports other configuration and rules data) Programmatic SOAP/XML interface Bulk flat-data file Flexible Provisioning allows: Customizable rules based provisioning so that a rule can be set to provision based on industry data (NPAC and LERG) Rules in two broad categories: Exact-Match (or 'Registrations') – Instructions for one particular TN, 1000s Block or NXX, when ownership is confirmed by Industry Data. Flow-Through Rules – Instructions for a broad collection of TNs, 1000s Blocks and NXXs from Industry Data records that match the Rule. Customizable Provisioning Elements: Routing Pattern data – Name Server records, etc. ContactInfo data – Contact Identification records Recipient Group data – Access-control lists
9 CC1 ENUM Provisioning Processing Rules Interaction with Industry Data INDUSTRY DATA NXX as 0-10 Blocks TN NXX as 0-10 Blocks 1000s Block TN confirmation "Exact-Match" Type "T" TN Type "N" NXX Code RULES Type "T" TN Type "B" 1000s Block Type "N" NXX Code "Flow-Through" Type "L" LRN Type "R" Whole-Range Routing Results
10 Distribution: Data Transfer and Query Processing Options Query Service Individual TN data and Block data co-exist in registry, TN data always takes precedence Telcordia Server does ‘Best-Match’ using ENUM protocol and standard DNS NS Data Transfer Standards Based Zone Transfer Available Configurable top-level domain (e.g. 1.e164enum.ca) One Zone per NPA (e.g e164enum.ca) Customized efficient data API available as alternative Telcordia registry processes ~1M transactions an hour
11 CC1 ENUM LLC – ENUM Query Processing Query Handling in Telcordia ENUM Servers ENUM Query arrives: Record Type requested: NAPTR Name: Full ENUM name of a TN Telcordia ENUM Server Responds: If name matches exactly, TN record is found: If name matches to 7 digits, Block best-match record is found: If name does not match to 7 digits, nothing is found:
12 Demonstration GUI overview Provisioning RoutingPatterns Rules Basic Cases – Creating Discoverable DNS Routes for a TN: Provisioning RoutingPatterns NXX Based Rule Range Based Rule Porting out to a non-participant Porting in to a participant Snap-Back to a participant Changing a Rule (Mass Updates) Distribution: Query Service to show real-time results
13 Conclusions Telcordia ENUM Registry is available today Allows for efficient rule based provisioning from industry data sources (NPAC and LERG) Do not require every TN to be entered Can enter any TN needed DNS based solution, not CMIP/SS7 legacy solution Demonstrated to more than a million transactions an hour Can be quickly customized to Canadian service provider needs Demonstration of CC1 ENUM LLC version available
14 Questions? : Adam Newman Sr. Business Developer Interconnection Solutions
15 A winning combination
16 Back Up Slides
17 CC1 ENUM LLC – ENUM Query Processing Appearance in Telcordia ENUM Servers Telcordia Server does ‘Best-Match’ : 1.Individual TN data: Each TN appears at its full ten-digit ENUM name as: If not “NULL”, NS record If “NULL”, TXT record 2.1k Block data, including exploded NXX data: Each 1000s Block appears at its 7-digit ENUM name as an NS record
18 CC1 ENUM System Architecture Zone Data Management/Propagation ENUM Query Service ContactInfo Query Service Tier 0/1 Registry Database and maintains Tier 2 name servers of participating providers Shared Registration (SRS) to allow Service Providers of Record (SPR) to enter ENUM information
19 ENUM Globalization
20 CC1 ENUM LLC – ENUM Query Processing Appearance in Telcordia ENUM Servers Telcordia Server does ‘Best-Match’ : 1.Individual TN data: Each TN appears at its full ten-digit ENUM name as: If not “NULL”, NS record If “NULL”, TXT record 2.1k Block data, including exploded NXX data: Each 1000s Block appears at its 7-digit ENUM name as an NS record
21 CC1 ENUM LLC – ENUM Query Processing Query Handling in Telcordia ENUM Servers ENUM Query arrives: Record Type requested: NAPTR Name: Full ENUM name of a TN Telcordia ENUM Server Responds: If name matches exactly, TN record is found: If name matches to 7 digits, Block best-match record is found: If name does not match to 7 digits, nothing is found:
22 CC1 ENUM LLC – ENUM Data Distribution Delivery to Generic DNS Name Servers DNS Zone Transfer: AXFR – “All-data” Transfer for initialization AXFR request honored for “small” zones (size TBD) AXFR refused for “large” zones; Use Zone File download IXFR – Incremental Transfer for ongoing operation Zone definition: Configurable top-level domain (e.g. 1.e164enum.us.) One Zone per NPA (e.g e164enum.us.) This choice is based on max size, like LNP (>200M?)