Name of presenter(s) or subtitle Canadian Netizens February 2004
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 2 Canadian Netizens is a monthly snapshot of the Canadian online population prepared by TNS Canadian Facts and available free of charge at This report is based on telephone interviews, conducted during the month of January 2004, with a 2,000 strong sample, weighted to represent the general Canadian population (excluding the Territories) TNS Interactive Canada is a division of TNS Canadian Facts, one of the largest and most experienced marketing and social research organization in Canada For more information on our Interactive research expertise and capabilities visit or contact
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTES: Throughout, the chart titles are in Universe by Attribute format Comments on each slide provide additional indication of how to understand the charts Some percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding 1.Canada Online 2.Point of Access 3.Provinces/Regions 4.Major Cities 5.Small Communities 6.Gender 7.Age 8.Education 9.Employment Status 10.Income 11.Marital Status Appendix: Selected Canadian statistics
Canada Online
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 5 75% of adult Canadians have Internet access.
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 6 Gender “digital divide” has disappeared!
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 7 16% of online adults are in the 18 – 24 age group, while only 7% are in the 65+ group (compared to 12% and 16% of the total Canadian population).
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 8 Regional distribution of the internet population and the general population are very similar.
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 9 Very similar to the general Canadian population.
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 10 58% of online adult Canadians work full-time (41% in the general adult population)
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 11 Income divide persists – 37% of online adults live in households with annual income of $75K or more (21% of Canadian households have $70K or more
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 12 Internet access is still skewed towards a population with postsecondary degrees – 53% vs 39% in the total population
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 13 Online population of major cities corresponds to their share in the national adult population.
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 14 63% of online Canadians are married (compared to 54% among all Canadian adults.
Point of Access
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 16 65% of adult Canadians have access to the internet from home
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 17 Three-quarters of all 18 – 24 year olds in Canada can access the internet from home
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 18 Home internet access the highest in BC and Ontario (70%)
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 19 68% of Montreal adults access the internet from home
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 20 Only 34% of Canadians with some high school or less education have have access to the internet at home
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 21 73% of Canadians working full-time have access to the internet at home
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 22 Almost seven-in-ten French Canadians are connected to the internet at home
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 23 Home internet penetration increases with income – from 42% in under $35K group to 86% in $75K and over group
Provinces / Regions
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 25 Overall, high penetration rates Canada wide
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 26 The gender ‘digital divide’ has virtually disappeared in all regions and provinces
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential age group is slightly over-represented (12% of general adult population), 65+ under-represented (around 16%) in most provinces/regions
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 28 Educational ‘digital divide’ can be found across Canada
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 29 Canadian Netizens are more likely to b employed full-time (in general population from 51% in the Atlantic provinces to 65% in the Prairies,) reverse for part-time
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 30 Almost six-in-ten Canadian Netizens live in childless households
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 31 % of adult Canadians have access to the internet from home
Major Cities
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 33 Internet penetration in Toronto (78%) is higher than Canada in general (75%)
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 34 No gender divide in Online population in major cities
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 35 15% of the online population of Vancouver are years old (12% of adults are 18 – 24)
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 36 Educational ‘digital divide’ is somewhat wider in big cities than in the general online population
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 37 One-in-four online adults living in a major city is not employed
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 38 12% of Vancouver Netizens live in households with incomes under $35K per year
Small Communities
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 40 65% of people in communities of less than 10,000 have internet access Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 41 Age structure of online population similar in smaller and larger communities Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 42 63% of online adults in 10K+ communities live in childless households Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 43 Online population of smaller communities is just as likely to be employed full time Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 44 Just over one-quarter (29%) of online population in larger communities is single Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 46 76% of the Canadian adult male population is online Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 47 67% of online Canadian men have access to the internet from home Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 48 Provincial gender distribution of the online and general population very similar Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 49 16% of Canadian online men and 16% of online women in Canada are 18 to 24 years old (both are around 12% in the total population Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 50 21% of Canadian online adult women live in Toronto Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 51 52% of online women are post-secondary graduates (39% in general population) Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 52 Very similar language distribution among the genders Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 53 Online men are likelier to live in households without children (64%) Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 54 36% of online Canadian men compared to 22% of women live in households with $75K or more in annual income (21% for general population) Base: Total population 18+ by community size
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 56 88% of 18 – 24 year old Canadians have access to Internet Base: Total age group population
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 57 The divide between age by gender has evened out Base: Total age group population
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 58 18% of all 18 to 25 online Canadians live in Toronto Base: Total age group population
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 59 87% of online 18 to 25 year olds are single Base: Total age group population
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 60 19% of 18 to 25 year old online Canadians live in households with income of less than $35K a year Base: Total age group population
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 62 89% of post-secondary graduates in Canada have Internet access Base: Total population 18+ by education level
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 63 43% of all online Canadians who have attained post-secondary education live in Ontario (matching the general population) Base: Total population 18+ by education level
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 64 57% of online adult Canadians with some high school education or less are men Base: Total population 18+ by education level
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 65 47% of online Canadians with a post-secondary diploma live in the three biggest cities Base: Total population 18+ by education level
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 66 21% of online Canadian adults with some high school education or less report under $35K in household income Base: Total population 18+ by education level
Employment Status
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 68 Nine-tenths (86%) of full-time working Canadians are online Note: Not employed category includes everyone who is not working either full or part time Base: Total population 18+ by employment status
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 69 40% of full-time employed online Canadians live in Ontario (35% in general population) Note: Not employed category includes everyone who is not working either full or part time Base: Total population 18+ by employment status
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 70 Online females are significantly more likely to be employed part-time than men Note: Not employed category includes everyone who is not working either full or part time Base: Total population 18+ by employment status
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 71 20% of all full-time employed online Canadians live in Toronto Note: Not employed category includes everyone who is not working either full or part time Note: Vancouver figures based on small sample. Interpret with caution. Base: Total population 18+ by employment status
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 72 Just 7% of full-time employed online Canadians live in households with less than $35K in annual income Note: Not employed category includes everyone who is not working either full or part time Base: Total population 18+ by employment status
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 74 96% of Canadians with household incomes of $75K or more have Internet access Base: Total population 18+ by income bracket
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 75 50% of online Canadians with $75K+ household incomes live in Ontario (49% of all Canadian households with $70K+ are in Ontario) Base: Total population 18+ by income bracket
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 76 27% of online Canadians with $75K or more in household income live in Toronto Base: Total population 18+ by income bracket
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 77 Male online Canadians are more likely to live in households with higher incomes Base: Total population 18+ by income bracket
Marital Status
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 79 79% of single adults in Canada have Internet access Base: Total population 18+ by marital status
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 80 Men account for 55% of single online Canadians Base: Total population 18+ by marital status
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential age group account for 53% of single and 3% of married online Canadian adults. Base: Total population 18+ by marital status
Appendix: Selected Canadian Statistics
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 83 Source: Statistics Canada Census 1996
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 84 Source: Statistics Canada Census 1996
©2004 TNS Canadian Facts - Confidential 85 Source: Statistics Canada Census 1996