BU121 Winter 2013 CengageNOW Login Instructions
To get started, navigate to:
If this is your first time using NelsonBrain.com, you’ll need to create a new account by clicking on Sign Up at the top right hand corner. If you already have created an account on NelsonBrain.com from another course, login using your address and password.
***NOTE: If you have already had an account on NelsonBrain.com from another course and have logged in, please skip to SLIDE #7 *** If you have clicked on Sign Up and are creating a new account, simply enter your personal account information.
Make sure your Time Zone is set correctly. Once completed, click Sign Up at the bottom.
You have now created your new NelsonBrain.com account. Click on My Home at the top right to be directed back to your dashboard.
Locate Your Access Code Now you’ll need to locate your Access code. This is the Printed Access Card that came shrink-wrapped with your textbook. It is a 14-digit code starting with ‘PP.’ Once you have found this Access code, proceed to the next slide PPLWNTKP36BP6 R
Enter Your Access Code Enter your 14-digit Access Code it in the box shown below and click Register.
You have now successfully registered your CengageNOW Access Code. Click Open beside CengageNOW eResource for The Future of Business to access the studying resources.
Click Continue to proceed.
Click on the Study Tools tab access your self-study online quizzes.
Then click on the Personalized Study Plan.
Select a chapter to study from as shown in the box below.
Being by taking a Pre-Test.
After answering each question click Enter Answer to make sure your answer is recorded. This applies to both the Pre and Post-test.
When you have completed the self-study quiz, click End Pre-Test.
Once you have completed your Pre-Test, you can view your Personalized Study Plan by clicking on the left hand menu under Step 2.
To take the Post-Test, click on the left menu under Step 3.
Be sure to click on End Post-Test, to get your results, and so you can get a Revised Study Plan.
Need Help? Click on the help button at the top right. If you still need assistance, visit: OR Call: OR
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