Organization of the Major Arguments – Use of outline slides (beginning) AND/OR Summary slides (end) – Making the structure of the presentation obvious Have outline of the slides on the left or top side of every slide Repeat the outline slide (& highlight the part in progress) number the arguments – Transitional sentences between slides – EXAMPLE: the structure of the results in Module 1 – Behavioural tests » Episodic memory vs semantic memory » Long vs short term memory – Structural examinations
Text in slides (esp commentary) Style: like writing an essay, make some arguments Number of slides: ~ 1 slide/minute, 15 slides for 15 min Amount of text/figure in the slides – Related to complexity of the issues audience familiarity to the issues Wordings – Relate to the overall arguments (try to be less mechanical) Example: – Weaker header: “Relevant research” – Stronger (and more explicit) header: “external validity of the conclusion”
Group Dynamics Contribution (time and effort) Communication Task completion Personal relation
Evaluation of the individual contribution in group work mostly use group mark (to ensure best work from the group) Individual marks adjusted, hard to implement in practice for EACH group however, will be dealt with in individual bases Very poor performers will NOT be given a group mark and will be considered in the overall participation mark
Evaluation of the individual contribution (continued) To better monitor and reward individual contribution create a record of individual work each group member to Post individual work on Avenue2Learn (in group discussion section) before your group meeting Draft of the content that could be go into the group product (could be even in text or Word file formats) Could use attachment with filenames including your names in the end of the filename E.g. 3FA3M1-P-groupB1-Draft_YourLastName-YourFirstName.pptx This work will not be designated a grade, but will be considered if question of individual contribution in a group arise.
Interactive learning Instructor & TAs ‘s feedbacks to students style: encouragement vs constructive criticisms scheduled occasions: during practice and formal presentations In written feedback on the critiques and verbal feedbacks during Tutorial time on Thursday Students feedbacks to the instructor (most encouraged) A variety of communication channels (verbal, etc) Students feedbacks to other students Evaluation of group presentation (done during group presentation)
Introduction thorough and relevance to topic discussed Terms clearly defined Experiment design clearly explained Results and conclusions fully explained Material coherently organized Simplified appropriately for audience Thoroughness of the presentation Mastery of subject matter Thought provocation EVALUATION of GROUP PRESENTATION Part I : content
Initial audience contact Gestures and movements to enhance audience contact Regular and frequent eye contact with all the audience Emphasize for effect by pausing, asking questions Variation of speech speed and intonation Effectively use audiovisual aids Well rehearsed by speaker (e.g., infrequent use of notes) EVALUATION of GROUP PRESENTATION Part II : style
Need to get to know YOU better List the presenter’s full name in each slide Optional: Portrait of the presenters