I.What is service-learning? II.Benefits to Students III.Benefits to Community, Faculty and Educational Institutions IV.Service Learning Plan
“an educational approach that integrates service in the community with intentional learning activities” (Canadian Alliance for Community Service Learning 2012) Academic Content Learning (reflection) Community Experience I. WHAT IS SERVICE-LEARNING?
CHARACTERISTICS Links service to academic content and learning goals Collaboration between faculty, students and community organizations to determine and meet real, defined community needs Reciprocal in nature, benefiting both the community and the students by combining a service experience with a learning experience Integrates a strong reflective element in order to maximize meaningful learning
IMPORTANT OUTCOMES Become Engaged and Global Citizens Enhance Civic capacity Uphold democratic ideals Transform community (Cress 2005)
VIDEOS ON SERVICE-LEARNING Videos on service-learning by the Canadian Alliance for Community Service Learning: A video interview by CBC on what service-learning is. The community’s perspectives on service-learning Faculty’s perspectives on service-learning
II. BENEFITS OF SERVICE-LEARNING TO STUDENT LEARNING Bring your academic learning to life Enrich students’ grasp of academic concepts by applying them to real-world, community priorities. Learn to question your assumptions and to reflect on alternative perspectives. Consider solutions in the context of relevant community issues. (UBC –Community Learning Initiatives 2012)
UNDERSTAND COMMUNITY Make a positive difference in the community Invest yourself fully in your community project and gain awareness of your potential to effect change. Understand the complexity of your community’s priorities and choices and begin to address them. Engage with issues of social justice such as economic inequality and poverty. Explore the multiple facets of sustainability—economic, social, and environmental.
CAREER CHOICE TO STUDENTS Better understand the work you’d like to pursue Challenge yourself in new learning environments and develop transferable skills. Articulate and refine your goals while further developing your leadership, organizational, and communications skills. Apply your skills to discover what is most rewarding for you and most useful in the community. Gain a deeper understanding of diversity through exposure to people from diverse socio-cultural background.
III. ROLE AND BENEFITS TO COMMUNITY Contribute by sharing their knowledge and understanding, by providing an opportunity for learning, and by providing feedback Having additional resources to tackle ongoing issues or special projects.
BENEFITS TO FACULTY Benefit by learning from the students experiences, by seeing the applications of knowledge, by being introduced to new perspectives.
BENEFITS TO EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Enrich learning opportunities for both students and faculty Benefit from a stronger connection to the community enhanced student retention
IV. SERVICE LEARNING: ASSESSMENT, PLANNING, IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION Step 1: Assessment: Identifying a community need Brainstorm possible ideas Discuss ideas and narrow the field Assess the relevance and need Select a project (Source: Robin Fast)
STEP 2: PLANNING Develop a proposal for your service learning project: Identify measurable and achievable goals and activities Submit proposal for review Finalize proposal plan Prepare for implementation – make necessary contacts and arrangements
STEP 3: IMPLEMENTATION Project start Record keeping /documentation of activities and experiences (team and individual) Ongoing assessment of goals and activities, adjust and modify as needed Regular and ongoing communication with community contacts and course instructors
STEP 4. EVALUATION Evaluate your project’s success Preparation of final report: achievement of goals, successes and challenges, satisfaction with outcomes Present highlights of service learning project to class
RESOURCES Cress, Christine M., et; al Learning Through Serving: A Student Guidebook For Service-Learning Across The Disciplines. Stylus Publishing, LLC Canadian Alliance for Community Service Learning UBC Community Service Learning. Dec 21, 2012