1 Rural Secretariat Innovation and Collaboration: Learning and Changing Together October 27, 2009 Goose Bay
2 What We Do 1.Advice 2.Community Engagement 3.Collaboration (Support) 4.Community Based Research 5.Northern Peninsula Pilot
3 Advice Councils give unsolicited advice to government Government requests advice from Councils re: specific issues (YRAS) Councils develop advice ‘with’ government depts.
4 Advice How do we enhance Regional Council advice? –Community engagement –Community-based research –Input/ feedback from departments
5 Community Engagement Citizen engagement activities can be Council- driven, Planner-driven or Provincial Office driven Can be a one-off engagement or a series of engagements, organized alone/with Council or in cooperation with other Councils individuals/entities Engagements can be open or targeted in terms of invited attendees (forum), depending on issue and goal of engagement activity
6 Community Engagement (cont’d) Important to identify the policy, program or service issues underpinning activity - What question will the activity explore? Consider the product/outcome of citizen engagement: How will the results of the citizen engagement activity be used?
7 Collaboration Collaboration can originate from Council’s work, Regional Partnership Planners, Provincial Office, other or on request of other Councils, or government departments and entities. Nature of collaborative work can range from planting seeds, nurturing, supporting preexisting, convening/brokering, or convening for other government departments (VNFPS sessions)
8 Collaboration (cont’d) Focused on collaborative opportunities that cross multi-sectors, engaging government + stakeholders for sustainability Intent is to build on collaborative culture within regions
9 Community Based Research: Starting Points Mandate of the Rural Secretariat –Promote sustainable economic/social development –Carry out research and analysis on economic and social issues affecting rural NL –Ensure rural concerns considered throughout provincial government/promoted at federal level –Promote awareness of provincial/federal programs/services
10 Why CBR? A key task for Councils is to provide evidence- based and/or informed advice –Implies advice is “based upon some form of information gathering or research process” Key to successful community development Harnesses capacity/knowledge of community Ensures that relevant research questions are explored (as opposed to ivory tower interests) With CBR, likelihood that knowledge produced will be used is strengthened
11 Some definitions of CBR Involves research done/led by community groups often with universities/colleges as a collaborative enterprise between academics and community members; Engages communities/citizens in design, implementation and use of research/knowledge that informs community action and helps identify policies needed to help address this action
12 CBR can… Mobilize expertise/resources of college/university students and faculty Partner these resources with government to create public policy solutions Create evidence of what works and why, and what is needed in communities, that can be used to inform and/or influence government Works with the expertise at the community level
13 Aspects of CBR in the RS CBR activities can be Council-driven, Planner- driven or Provincial Office driven At least one community entity Someone who represents an entity known to do research (e.g., MUN; CNA; hospital; school; government; NLFL) There is an important research question to be explored which emerges from the community/region (and/or has full support of the community partner)
14 Aspects of CBR in the RS (cont’d) There is fair sharing of control, decision-making Where possible local/regional students involved (endeavor is also learning/employment opportunity) Proposed research question has possible Provincial policy implication If appropriate, a government official is involved beginning with question-setting stage Not critical that all be involved with all steps (e.g., it may be best to allow researcher to design methods)
15 RS Research Activities Nine Regional CBR Projects –Working regionally –Youth at Risk Profile –Housing and Homelessness –Barriers to Health Care in Labrador –Organic Farming Research Catalyst Committee –RS, College, Grenfell
16 Northern Peninsula Pilot RS Lead New approach to government/ community shared decision making Membership –Regional Council –Nordic and Red Ochre –GPN Joint Council –Norpen Waste Management –INTRD, MA
17 Northern Peninsula Pilot Pilot was publicly announced in the 2009 Speech From the Throne (March 25, 2009) The Pilot initiative is led by a Ministerial Committee and is supported by a Deputy Ministers Committee Operationally the Pilot is being managed by ADMs from the Rural Secretariat (lead), INTRD and Municipal Affairs Stakeholders will: –i) provide advice to decision-makers re: how to better invest funds in region; –ii) work together to identify regional development initiatives and priorities; and –iii) provide advice to Government re: how best to develop/support innovative regional collaboration across the province.
18 NP Pilot Transportation and Works and Municipal Affairs have presented to the group Group has deliberated on TW spending and given input Next: Tourism and INTRD Committee to give input to each department on spending decisions
19 THANK–YOU Barbara Case Director of Partnership Development Ken Carter Director of Partnership Research and Analysis (A) Rural Secretariat