PAC Executive Workshop Andrew Weaver, President, VCPAC Eric Flanagan, Treasurer, VCPAC Lyse Burgess, President ( ), VCPAC Ray Lett, Past Secretary, Mount Douglas Secondary Derek Sturko, General Manager, Gaming Policy & Enforcement Branch, Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General
PAC Executive Workshop Purpose/Role of PACs and the DPAC Applying for Gaming Funds –Questions and Answers Specific Executive Roles: – Treasurers – Secretaries/ Presidents (Chairs) Questions and Answers
A PAC, through its elected officers, may (a) advise the board and the principal and staff of the school respecting any matter relating to the school, other than matters assigned to the SPC, (b) at the request of the SPC, assist the SPC in carrying out its functions under the School Act. A PAC, in consultation with the principal, must make bylaws governing its meetings and the business and conduct of its affairs, including bylaws governing (a) the dissolution of the PAC, (b)* the election of members to represent the PAC on the SPC, (c)* the election of a member to represent the PAC on the DPAC (VCPAC). *Voting at an election must be by secret ballot. Parents’ Advisory Councils in the School Act An SPC must consult with the PAC during the preparation of the school plan.
1.To advise your principal and staff on parents’ views on any matter relating to the school-programs, policies, plans activities….and problems. 2.To communicate with parents and to promote cooperation between home and school in providing for the education of children 3.To assist parents in accessing the system and provide support for individual children and their parents 4.To organize PAC activities and events. 5.To contribute to the effectiveness of the school by promoting the involvement of parents and other community members Purposes of the PAC as defined by BCCPAC BCCPAC suggests that the purpose of your PAC should be reflected in Your PAC’s constitution:
(a) The district parents’ advisory council may advise the board on any matter relating to education in the school district (b) A DPAC must make bylaws governing its meetings and the business and conduct of its affairs, including bylaws governing the dissolution of the council. District Parents’ Advisory Councils in the School Act
1.To promote the interests of public education by fostering co-operation & communication among parents, students, educators & school district representatives. 2.To advise the school board on parental views about the school district’s programs & policies. 3.To communicate with parents about school district policies, programs & activities. 4.To provide leadership in developing & understanding the rights & responsibilities of parents within the education system. Purposes of the DPAC as defined by BCCPAC The role of the DPAC reflects the purposes of its member PACs.
5.To assist parents & PACs in accessing the system. 6.To assist its members in obtaining information about school, district & provincial programs & policies & in communicating with district representatives. 7.To liaise with the partner groups & community organizations. 8.To promote a positive image of the public school system within the district. Purposes of the DPAC as defined by BCCPAC
An exceptionally valuable resource: Name:BCCPAC Address: # West 8th Avenue Vancouver, BC, V6J 1T5 Tel: (604) 687–4483 Fax: (604) 687–4488 Website: The British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Council Leadership Manual
Derek Sturko General Manager Gaming Policy & Enforcement Branch, Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General
An exceptionally valuable resource: Name:BCCPAC Address: # West 8th Avenue Vancouver, BC, V6J 1T5 Tel: (604) 687–4483 Fax: (604) 687–4488 Website: The British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Council Leadership Manual
1.Calls meetings and ensures members are notified 2.Chairs all meetings (get to know Robert’s Rules of Order) 3.Prepares the agendas for PAC and Executive meetings 4.Knows the constitutions and bylaws and meeting rules 5.Reads the material sent to the PAC and distributes information to members 6.Understands committees and communicates with committee chairs Responsibilities of the PAC President
7.Consults PAC members regularly 8.Acts as the spokesperson for the PAC 9.Is a signing officer (for cheques and documents) 10.Ensures that the PAC is represents in school/school district activities 11.Submits an annual report. Responsibilities of the PAC President (con’t)
1.Makes sure all members are notified of meetings using a variety of methods 2.Records minutes of all general meetings 3.Keeps a copy of the constitution and bylaw and meeting rules 4.Circulates minutes and presents them at meetings for adoption 5.Takes attendance 6.Keeps records of minutes on file Responsibilities of the Secretary
7.Keeps safe all records belonging to the council 8.Keeps a copy of the constitution and bylaw and meeting rules 9.Is responsible for correspondence (usually shared with president) 10.Ensures reports from committees are filed 11.May be a signing officer 12.Submits an annual report Responsibilities of the Secretary (con’t)