B Day Trip to Rounds Ranch! It was a great day
Story Time
Learning about How the Pumpkin Grows
We all had an important part in the story!
Petting the Animals
Climbing Goats and Pecking Chickens!
The twisty train ride!
The Intense Duck Races!
Waiting for ducks.
It was a very serious race!
We had to pump the water fast!
It was so much fun!
Tractor ride to the Pumpkin Patch
Picking the perfect pumpkin!
Found a Good One!
Stand on the vine – twist and pull!
It was tricky!
There were lots to choose from!
The Big Slide!
It was super fast and fun!
The Zipline
Hold on tight!
It was FUN
Riding the pedal cars.
The bus ride home!
It was a great day!