Be Hopeful!
Hope is a Virtue Hope keeps us searching for true happiness…and God IS true happiness. Christian hope finds its foundation in the death and resurrection of Jesus – because he died and rose again, we have hope for life after death and salvation. Hope sustains us – it keeps us going during difficult times. Hope is sustained by prayer. In the Bible, it states, “We walk by faith, not by sight.”
The First Commandment… You shall not worship false Gods. We are called to avoid idolatry (money, power, fame, etc) and place our HOPE in God. Making assumptions, and giving in to despair means we are refusing to place our trust and hope in God. Virtues and attitudes (like those developed through the Beatitudes) allow us to do what is good and avoid doing evil.
Reflection Listen to the following song, and consider what it is that you hope for in your life. What would your hopes be, for someone you love? For yourself? Select a line, word, image, or part of the song (using the lyrics provided), and write a response.
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