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Presentation transcript:

Acts, Acts Our Southern Neighbors Those Darn Stuarts Puritan Potpourri Leftovers

This act enabled the colonies to develop there own ship-building.

What is the Navigation Act?

This act taxed paper goods in order to help pay for British protection of the colonies.

What is the Stamp Act?

After the Boston Tea Party this act was passed to punish the colonies.

What is the Intolerable Acts?

Act which stated that only an Anglican could become monarch.

What is the Settlement Act?

Act which stated that only a Anglican could hold public office.

What is the Test Act?

City where a massacre and a tea party was held.

What is Boston?

Main writer of the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?

America’s brilliant military leader was …

Who is George Washington?

The Bill of Rights was added to the constitution to …

What is protect basic rights such as freedom of speech, press, and religion?

French philospohe who modeled separation of powers for the American constitution.

Who is Montesquieu?

James I believed that his right to rule came from … `

Who is God?

When Charles I needed money to fight wars parliament forced him to sign this, which he later ignored.

What is the Petition of Right?

King of England who was beheaded.

Who is Charles I?

James II was overthrown in this revolution which brought William & Mary to England.

What is the Glorious Revolution?

William and Mary had to sign this before they could get the English throne.

What is the Bill of Rights?

During the English Civil War they supported the king.

Who are the Cavaliers?

During the Civil War they supported parliament.

Who are the Roundheads of the middle class?

Head of the English Republic or the Commonwealth.

Who is Cromwell?

After Cromwell’s death parliament asked this king to rule over England.

Who is Charles II?

English religious group that outlawed dancing, closed theaters, banned newspapers, etc.

Who are the Puritans?

Great Britain’s first Prime Minister.

Who is Robert Walpole?

Name of the parties in the British parliament.

What are Whigs and Tories?

Charles I appointed him Archbishop of Canterbury … an unpopular choice.

Who is William Laud?

Americans smuggled rum, sugar, etc. from here.

What is the French West Indies?

English king on the throne during the American Revolution.

Who is George III?