Dedication page This book is dedicated to Nettie my book buddy. You have been an awesome book buddy Nettie this book is special for you to read to yourself, your Mom, your Dad, and Teddy.
Copyright ©2013 by Tayla Wamback All rights reserved. This book or any portion there of may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotation in a book review. ©2013 Tayla Wamback Printed in Shelburne, Nova Scotia ISBN O Lullaby sleepy head incorporated 2567 button street
The Kitten and The Hat
It was the day before Nettie’s birthday. Her parents were running around the house screaming “what are we going to get Nettie”?
“A cat” screamed Nettie’s Dad. Then they drove to the pet store.
At the pet store they saw 10 brown cats at the front of their cages. Then they saw a pretty gray cat.
At that moment they took her out of her cage and bought her. They took her to the vet. Her health was PERFECT.
They took her home and named her Tayla. Tayla had to stay in her cage the rest of the day so they could surprise Nettie the next day.
So they kept her in their room. When Nettie came home from school she saw her Mom and Dad watching her second favorite show Cat And The Hat.
Luckily they were only on their way to Pine Groove Forest to see Harold the Pine in the Thingamagiger singing.
She sat right down and watched the Cat And The Hat.
The next day was Nettie’s birthday and she saw the kitten. “I can put a hat on her and say that she’s Cat’s baby sister. But what’s her name?” Nettie said excited. What’s her name?
“Her name is Tayla” her Mom replied. “That’s right her name is Tayla” repeated her Dad. Tayla
Nettie thought Tayla was a great name. She loved it and she loved Tayla.
The next day Nettie woke up and saw Tayla asleep in her cage. Nettie rubbed Tayla on the back and said “good morning girl. How are you? ”
Nettie gave Tayla her food and then went to get breakfast. After Nettie had her breakfast she found a small hat and a string. Nettie tied it the hat on Tayla.
Nettie laughed as Tayla batted her paws at the hat and meowed. “I’ll call you the kitten and the hat” Nettie said trying to catch her breath.
When Tayla got used to the hat, she was shown in public. Then she was forever known as the kitten and the hat.
Others opinions Lyndi- I thought it was an awesome story I think Nettie will love it! Haley- I thought it was a great story and that Nettie will love it. Jasmine- I think Nettie will love the story. Shamara- This is an awesome story, good drawings. I think Nettie will love it! Kiara- awesome story Tayla.
About the Author My name is Tayla Lynn Wamback. I was born July 4 th I am 11 years old. I have 3 horses, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 turtle, and 4 chickens. I enjoy going horseback riding in my spare time. I am in a club called 4-H it is super fun.