MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 Pulsation and Granulation in the two PMS stars V 588 Mon and V 589 Mon using CoRoT data... K. Zwintz, T. Kallinger, D. Guenther
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 V 588 Mon & V 589 Mon PMS members of NGC 2264 Discovery of δ Scuti pulsation: Breger (1972) Recent Observations: multi-site campaign 2002 MOST 2004: 48 days MOST 2006: 23 days First asteroseismic analysis: Guenther et al. (2009)
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 CoRoT & NGC 2264 Dedicated short run (SRa01): March 2008 for ~23.4 days Exo field CCD 130 candidate targets for asteroseismology Additional: 14 „Imagettes“ partially saturated images V 588 Mon & V 589 Mon
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 V 588 Mon seen with CoRoT
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 V 588 Mon seen with CoRoT 8 published pulsation frequencies (Guenther et al. 2009) But there is more...
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 V 588 Mon: Comparison to MOST close to orbit sidelobe ok in MOST; not in gb data
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 V 589 Mon seen with CoRoT
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 V 589 Mon seen with CoRoT published 12 pulsation frequencies (Guenther et al. 2009) And again: there is more...
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 Many additional frequencies... V 588 Mon: 106 „significant“ frequencies 8 known frequencies & 98 „new“ frequencies down to S/N=4 V 589 Mon: 197 „significant“ frequencies 12 known frequencies & 185 „new“ frequencies down to S/N=4 ?
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 Granulation in A type stars Kallinger & Matthews (2010): 2 CoRoT targets power spectra: white noise + sum of power laws + Gaussian > 1000 frequencies published 420 frequencies published 55 frequencies after granulation modelling 105 frequencies after granulation modelling
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 Granulation in V588 Mon & V 589 Mon Prewhitening of the 10 / 15 largest amplitude frequencies Assumption: residual power excess is Gaussian-like Gaps in the data are filled by linear interpolation standard method for solar-type pulsators Global model fit to residual power spectrum power law components to correct the frequency- dependent background noise Signal-to-background-noise ratio (SNbR) to identify additional pulsation frequencies
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 Granulation Model for V 588 Mon gap-filled residuals after prewhitening the 10 largest amplitude frequencies solid line: global model fit dotted line: 2 power laws and white noise dashed lines: power laws Peaks with SNbR > 9: significant additional pulsation frequencies 4 frequencies with SNbR > 9
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 Granulation Model for V 589 Mon gap-filled residuals after prewhitening the 15 largest amplitude frequencies 22 frequencies with SNbR>9
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 V 588 Mon 106 significant frequencies ⇒ after granulation modelling one published frequency has SNbR < 9; but has to be included all 8 published frequencies are confirmed Revised pulsation frequencies V 589 Mon 197 significant frequencies ⇒ after granulation modelling all 12 published frequencies are confirmed ➡ Revised input for asteroseismic modelling
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 MOST & PMS stars: Past and Future
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 MOST & PMS stars in the past 5 Herbig Ae stars: HD , UX Ori, HR 5999, V 1247 Ori, HD the shortest period δ Scuti pulsator: HD (in prep.) the longest period δ Scuti pulsator: HR 5999 (recent re-observations! to be published) no pulsational variability: UX Ori (in prep.) complex (pulsational) variabilities: HD (published) circumstellar matter... NGC 2264 stars: no irregular variations
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 PMS stars - another view A7e A5e A3e HR 5999 (2010)
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 Circumstellar matter in the 5 stars emission lines infrared excess circumstellar matter HD and UX Ori: “edge-on” & studied in detail HR 5999, V 1247 Ori and HD 34282: presence reported
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 The case of UX Ori
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 Spectral energy distributions UX Ori Work in progress...
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 PMS Target Proposal HD RA = 05:27:42.8 DE = -08:19:38.4 V = 8.13 mag A5e single known period: 4.7 h switch target fundamental parameters available GSC V = 9.7, sp = F2 GSC V = 10.2 Marconi et al ‘
MOST ST Meeting, Halifax, May 31 - June 1, 2010 Why HD 35929? Herbig Ae star with similar spectral type to V 1247 Ori investigating the influence of the circumstellar matter with MOST check for additional pulsation frequencies at lower amplitudes similar to HR 5999 concerning length of pulsation period ‣ i.e. one of the longest period PMS pulsators fundamental parameters known (including parallax!) possibility for ground-based observations...