TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Geology of the San Joaquin Valley by Terralog Technologies USA, Inc. February 13, 2008 BP CO2 Sequestration
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Oil fields in the southern San Joaquin Valley; studied fields in red
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley 1999 Texas1,464,000 barrels of oil per day Louisiana1,333,000 barrels of oil per day Alaska1,044,000 barrels of oil per day California876,000 barrels of oil per day Kern County560,000 barrels of oil per day Oklahoma193,000 barrels of oil per day
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Cumulative oil and condensate production as of December, 2006 (DOGGR, 2007)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Cumulative gas production as of December, 2006 (DOGGR, 2007)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Estimated gas reserves as of December, 2006 (DOGGR, 2007)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Structure of the San Joaquin Valley. NSB=Northern Sierran block; SSB=Southern Sierran block; NDH=northern Diablo homocline; WFB= westside fold belt; M-TS=Maricopa-Tejon subbasin (Bartow, 1991)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley (DOGGR, 1998)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley San Joaquin basin stratigraphic column (Scheirer & Magoon, 2007) Oil reservoir rock in green Gas reservoir rock in red Shale dashed lines
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Typical sand and mud deposition in submarine fan turbidite systems (Henderson, 1987
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Major reservoir formations in the southern San Joaquin basin, their depositional environments and lithologies
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Fields with production from major reservoir formations
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Potential Fields for CO2 Sequestration Based on potential storage capacity (pore volume), multiple target zones below 5000ft depth and presence of seals Elk Hills Belridge North Paloma
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Estimated pore volumes for studied fields
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Elk Hills Discovered ,777 wells as of 12/2006
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Pliocene contour map and cross section showing strucutre of Elk Hills anticlines (Fiore, et al., 2007)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Miocene structure contour map (DOGGR, 1998)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Cross section for Elk Hills (DOGGR, 1998)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Stratigraphic column for Elk Hills
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley TARGET ZONE THICKNESS (ft) POROSITY (%) AREA (mmft2) PORE VOL (ft3) SEAL Olig E+08Reef Ridge Shale Stevens E+10Reef Ridge Shale Northwest Stevens E+09Reef Ridge Shale Carneros E+09Media Shale Agua Santos Shale Potential CO2 targets and seals for Elk Hills
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Belridge North Discovered in wells as of 12/2006
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Structure contour map for the Oligocene of Belridge North (DOGGR, 1998)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Cross section and stratigraphy for Belridge North (DOGGR, 1998)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Extent of diatomite reservoir, North and South Belridge fields
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Potential CO2 target zones and seals for Belridge North TARGET ZONE THICK- NESS (ft) POROSITY (%) AREA (mmft2) PORE VOL (ft3)SEAL “Temblor Sand” E+10Devilwater/Gould shales Carneros E+08Media Shale R Sand (Agua) E+09Santos Shale Bloemer/Belridge 64/Gibson E+09Lower Santos Shale Y Sand E+08Cymric Shale
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Paloma Discovered in wells as of 12/2006
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Structure contour map for the upper Miocene of the Paloma oil field
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Cross section of the Paloma field (DOGGR, 1998)
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley Stratigraphy for the Paloma field
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley TARGET ZONE THICK- NESS (ft) POROSITY (%) AREA (mmft2) PORE VOL (ft3)SEAL Paloma (Stevens) E+09 Antelope Shale and Reef Ridge Shale Lower Stevens E+09Antelope Shale Potential CO2 target zones and seals for the Paloma field
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley CONCLUSIONS Extensive regional shales and thick, lenticular sand bodies in multiple fields Based on potential storage volume estimated from pore volume for producing zones at >5000ft depth, candidate fields for CO2 sequestration include: Elk Hills Belridge North Paloma
TTI Large Scale CO2 Sequestration Options San Joaquin Valley