Welcome to Grade 8!
Contact Information Phone: (902) ext Website:
What do I teach? 8 B, 8W – Math, Science 8 A – Math
Math Curriculum outline The central elements of the mathematics curriculum are: Problem Solving, Communication, Reasoning, and Connections. Students will express their learning in various ways – contextually, concretely, pictorially, symbolically, and verbally. General Curriculum Outcomes (GCO’s) GCO(A) Students will demonstrate number sense and apply number- theory concepts. GCO(B) Students will demonstrate operation sense and apply operation principles and procedures in both numeric and algebraic situations. GCO(C)Students will explore, recognize, represent, and apply patterns and relationships, both informally and formally. GCO(D)Students will demonstrate an understanding of and apply concepts and skills associated with measurement GCO(E) Students will demonstrate spatial sense and apply geometric concepts, properties, and relationships. GCO(F)Students will solve problems involving the collection, display, and analysis of data. GCO(G) Students will represent and solve problems involving uncertainty.
Assessment & Evaluation There are several different ways that you will be asked to represent concepts and solutions in Math: Verbally ~ describing in words what steps you are taking to solve a problem and why you chose the particular steps. Concretely ~ using manipulatives to solve problems Pictorially ~ drawing sketches/diagrams to show a problems solution. Symbolically ~ with numbers, letters, signs Ex. 2y + 5 = 8 Contextually ~ being able to relate the problem or concept to the real world, in a real world situation (story problem)
Assessment & Evaluation Class work Mental Math Problems of the Week Evaluation : Snap Shot Quizzes, tests, assignments common assessments, etc.
Four-Point Rubric 4(Got It!) Proficient: Full Accomplishment Student has clearly shown evidence of meeting the outcome. 3(Got it!) Competent: Substantial Accomplishment Student has shown evidence of meeting the outcome with minor errors or omissions. 2(Not yet!) Low: Partial Accomplishment Student has shown some understanding of the outcome but more evidence of understanding is required to meet the outcome; further learning is required. 1(Not yet!) Low: Little or No Accomplishment Student has shown little or no evidence of understanding the outcome; further learning is required.
Science Curriculum outline The aim of science education set out by the NS Department of Education in cooperation with the other Atlantic Provinces “is to develop scientific literacy.” The curriculum we will be covering in science this year will help students develop scientific literacy in different branches of science. The topics we will be covering this year are as follows; Cells, tissues, organs, and systems (Life Science) Fluids (Physical Science) Optics (Physical Science) Water systems on Earth (Earth and Space Science)
Assessment and Evaluation Assessment is ongoing. It is imperative that you work to your best ability in class and keep up with your work at home. You will be evaluated on how well you have demonstrated the learning outcomes for grade 8 Science. Evaluation will take various forms: tests, quizzes, projects, labs, and writing assignments. A rubric will be provided before any assessment is given, outlining expectations. More information on assessment and evaluation will be provided as the year progresses
Extra Help By Appointment – I am usually available everyday at noon and afterschool !
Web Page: ca/macask ca/macask
Good evening Parents/Guardians. I am sorry that I couldn’t be here to meet you. I have placed my curriculum night power point on my website for you to look at. My website address is on the English course outline handout. Please feel free to contact me if you wish. Stephanie Bailey
Thank You!