Council of Presidents LPC(O) Executive Board Meeting March24, 2013 Where Next?
Biennial To Present May 2012 Bylaws approved to elect Chair and executive members. September 2012: Executive in place December 2012 attended 1 st National Board Mtg March: CoP Budget approved: $5 K
Role/Responsibilities Review annual strategic, organizational and fundraising plans of the Party, the Commissions, and the National Revenue Committee Review National Readiness Plans of the National Elections Readiness Committe
Role/Responsibilities cont'd Review the membership fees and the determination of the sharing of these fees and other revenues between the Party, the PTAs, the EDAs and Commissions etc. Based on LPCBC model approved in 2006
National Board Budget Highlights Net Revenue: $7.2 M/Net Expenses: $7.6 M Transfers to PTAs: $1,775 M Commissions Budgets Young Liberals:$72K Women:$20K Aboriginal:$20K Seniors:$5K
National Board Budget Recommendations 7 specific to PTAs and 4 specific to EDAs Field Worker Program to work at EDA level: 17 nationally Optional Centralized Riding Financial Mgmt Francophone Communications Officer Predictive Voter Modeling Brian Rice Pres LPCBC & Rob Jamieson
CoP Program 2013 April 14 teleconference call with Leader Quarterly teleconference meetings with regional CoP members Annual teleconference mtg in Fall. In person meetings at PTA exec/AGM Establish Communications and Budget Review Committees
Communications Chair: John Gruetzner: President of Simcoe- Grey 21 point list of suggestions. Agree/Disagree; Rate: H/M/L
Issues Membership Drive Redistribution Candidate Selection
Where Next? L.L.
LPC National Board of Directors Meeting