Library presentation Kirsi Heino Aalto Univ Library Otaniemi
Aalto University Library Otaniemi campus library Arabia campus library Töölö campus library Electr. Eng. library Ind. Eng. library Comp. Sci. library Civ. Eng. library Other libraries
Otaniemi campus library Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9–21 Saturday 9–16 Day before a public holiday 9–16
Otaniemi campus library Open access library All books classified and organised in the shelf according to the UDC (= Universal Decimal Classification) Series and printed journals are in alphabetical order
Borrowing tel Student card=library card PIN number=12345 Loan periods 2 / 4 weeks
Text book collection One copy of text books Readable in the main library when library is open Overnight and weekend loans and reservations available via customer service
Alli database Printed materials and e-books Real-time system: –Reservations –Renewals –Own loans and fees
Aaltodoc Publication archive for fulltext materials –Bachelor’s theses –Master’s theses –Other publications published by Aalto schools
Tenttu databases For information searching Otaniemi’s bachelor’s and master’s theses
Nelli portal(1) All electronic resources: –databases –e-journals –e-dictionaries (MOT)
Nelli portal (2) Login with Aalto user id and password Remote access to electronic resources through Nelli!
Information service tel Help in information searching Information on library courses Monday - Friday
Library exercise Obligatory in the course T IT services on Aalto Otaniemi campus Sign up in WebOodi
Eri Searching for Scientific Information (2 cr) For those who want to learn more about information retrieval and scientific communication Sign up in WebOodi Next course starts on 30th October
See you at the library!