British Columbia
British Columbia: Profile Population 4.4 million (2008) 651,625 students (582,691 public school) 60 school districts (including 1 Francophone, 1 Aboriginal) 1634 public, 351 independent schools 5 regional and 1 provincial Health Authorities (HAs) Sources: BC Stats, Quarterly Population Estimates 1951 – 2008; Ministry of Education, 2007/08 Summary of Key Information;
BC’s Healthy Schools Unit 2003 – BC Provincial Health Officer – released An Ounce of Prevention November 2004 – BC Government announced a Plan of Action for School Health February 2005 – Director, Healthy Schools (Joint Position)
BC’s Healthy Schools Network Voluntary organization of public and independent schools Common goal is to address health promotion through a comprehensive approach Embedded in an existing Education Network: BC’s Network of Performance Based Schools
Benefits of JCSH membership Influential in the development of BC’s Healthy Schools Network - BC’s mechanism to create sustainable comprehensive school health Knowledge exchange and resource sharing Easy access to school health information in other jurisdictions