PECSF Regional Deposits & ServiceBC The way to get cash donations from the Regions to PECSF …
In areas/regions with no Coast Capital Savings Credit Unions, PECSF volunteers have struggled to manage cash donations and money raised through fundraisers and gaming events. Volunteers have found ingenious ways to get $ to Victoria: Talking banks into giving them free money orders Writing personal cheques in exchange for the money raised Bundling the cash & cheques into double wrapped envelopes and mailing/couriering them to Victoria Each of these ways put the money and the volunteers at risk! Why are we doing this?
Service BC has stepped in to help PECSF set up a method for money collection at your local Service BC office. Step 1: Fill out some forms Step 2: Take the cash & cheques to Service BC Step 3: Service BC does the rest! They will process the deposit. At the end of the campaign Service BC will transfer the funds to PECSF in Victoria for the amount of ALL the deposits made during the campaign. The solution!
Once you have held your Fundraiser Events Gaming Events or Collected cash/cheque donations from individual Ensure that you have a completed eForm for each Event or have a signed Pledge form for each Donation. You will use the #s on the top of each eForm and EmployeeID# to complete the Service BC “Transaction Register”. Here’s how it will work:
Go to: Here you will find the: Regional Deposit and Register Form with ServiceBC Once you open this document you will find all the forms you will need for the deposit process. Transaction Register Location - Region #s Listing Deposit Form These forms are found in the tabs along the bottom left of the excel workbook. Here’s how it will work: (Cont’d)
Once again, go to: Here you will find the Regional Deposit and Register Form with ServiceBC It is a good idea to start filling this out as soon as the donations are collected and events finish. If you have lots of forms, then consider doing 1 deposit a month. If you only have a few, then consider doing 1 deposit at the end of the campaign (by November 23, 2012). Transaction Register:
Once you have collected the donations & event monies: Step 1: Fill out the Transaction Register (see next slide & it’s notes) Step 2: Save the.xls for your files Step 3: print out a copy to accompany the pledge/ fundraiser/ gaming forms that you will send to Victoria after making the deposit Transaction Register (cont’d) :
The Transaction Register Form! 31-Oct-12 F12001 $5.00 Apple, A (#123456) $5.00 G12001 $5.00 F12002 $2.00 Bennett, B (#444444) $10.00 G12002 $10.00 F12003 $3.00 Carson, C (#999999) $5.00 G12003 $15.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00
Once you have filled out the Transactions Register tab: Step 1: Click on the Deposit Form tab and fill out this form. (see next slide & it’s notes) Step 2: Save the.xls for your files Step 3: print out 2 copies - 1 to accompany the deposit made at Service BC 1 to accompany the pledge/ fundraiser/ gaming forms that you will send to Victoria after making the deposit Deposit Form:
The Deposit Form! AD AD
Once you have filled out the Deposit Form tab: Step 1: Save the.xls for your files Step 2: Take the $ and Deposit Form to Service BC to make deposit Step 3: Service BC will give you a Receipt to accompany the pledge/fundraiser/gaming forms that you will send to Victoria after making the deposit. The Receipt should add up to the totals on your Deposit Form and look like this … Receipt from ServiceBC:
The Receipt from ServiceBC ! OCT 31, 2012
Once you have completed the deposit at Service BC, be sure to keep copies of the following for your files: the pecsf deposit form and register.xls Excel document the receipt from Service BC Send the following in one bundle to PECSF in Victoria: the Receipt from Service BC the Deposit Form the Transaction Register the pledge/fundraiser/gaming forms (as listed on the Transaction Register) What you send to PECSF: And...
You’re done! AWESOME!!
If you have any questions about Deposits made at Service BC, contact: A nne Davis, Financial Officer ph: Good Luck with your Campaign!