Diagnostic Accreditation Program of British Columbia Health Canada Safety Code (HCSC) 35 Vancouver, BC February 13, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Diagnostic Accreditation Program of British Columbia Health Canada Safety Code (HCSC) 35 Vancouver, BC February 13, 2009

Overview  DAP mandate  DAP and HCSC 35  DAP facilitating implementation in BC

Diagnostic Accreditation Program (DAP) Mandate  Regulatory body responsible for assessing the quality and safety of diagnostic services in British Columbia in both public and privately funded facilities  Promoting excellence in diagnostic healthcare  Setting accreditation standards, conducting on-site peer review assessments, and continuous monitoring activities  Require continuous risk assessment and continuous quality improvement activities  Providing education and consultation  Standards address patient, public and staff safety

DAP and HCSC 35  The DAP is in general support of HCSC 35  The safety code recognizes digital systems  The requirement for additional QC testing  Highlights image quality as an essential component in QC testing  Clarity of the expectations of those operating and maintaining equipment DAP recognizes the implications for implementation in B.C.

DAP facilitating implementation in BC  Gap analysis of existing DAP standards to HCSC 35  Adoption of additional QC requirements  Revision of DAP standards will be taking place in 2009  Advisory Committee participation  New DAP standards will be issued in early 2010  Surveying to the new standards September 2010

DAP facilitating implementation in BC  One of the DAP’s continuous monitoring activities is the Mid Cycle Assessment (MCA)  The 2009 MCA will focus on assessing the “state of readiness” of the facility’s implementation of HCSC 35 This is an opportunity to do what we do better- patient care and provider safety