Management of Not-For-Profit Organizations Fall 2014
Done & To Do Done by today read chapter on boards (ch 5) To do today each group tells us tentative project decision To do by Friday pick chapter you want to present on
Group Projects Tentative Decisions
Boards have numerous functions ₋some more important than others the legal entity held accountable governance ₋goals ₋policies ₋managers reconciling conflict
Board's Job lead the organization establish policy to guide action secure [essential] resources ensure effective resource use lead and manage Chief Executive performance ensure and enable accountability ensure board effectiveness pg
Board Competencies contextual interpersonal analytical political strategic pg 141 “skills required”
Model Board Structure Members Board elect Chair Secretary Treasurer Executive Committee Finance Committee Nominating Committee Program Committee Fundraising Committee Personnel Committee
Model Responsibility Members Board delegate Executive Director direct Staff manage
Model Accountability Members Board Executive Director Staff report
Board's Member's Job ensure that taxes are paid ₋especially payroll taxes laws are obeyed ₋especially employment laws & contracts arrangements & contracts with board members are appropriate protect people from harm pg
Board's Member's Job participate actively attend all bd meetings prepare in advance be active on at least 1 committee participate in fundraising be ambassador & advocate help enhance image & credibility of org encourage staff address sensitive matters in confidence actively support board decisions after they're made teamwork of board avoid conflicts of interest pg
Board Evaluation an effective board 1.organizes itself efficiently & effectively 2.attracts able people to the board table 3.prepares these people to serve as board members 4.helps them work together 5.focuses on the important issues & questions 6.engages board members attention & commitment 7.employs board members' time well 8.evaluates and develops its own performance pg 140
Board Development pg define the work; design the board recruit & select members build member capacity build the team ensure strategic focus engage members to do the work conduct effective meetings ensure accountability
Board “fiduciary responsibilities” treat the resources of the organization as a trust What is “a trust”? Somebody gives you money. They say, “Swear an oath that you'll use this money and any money derived from it to __________________.” You swear that oath. You are legally accountable to keep that oath. as a board member of a non-profit there are multiple “somebodies” everyone who gives money to the non-profit the purpose of the money isn’t up to you OR to the giver _____________ = the legal mandate of that non-profit
Board “fiduciary responsibilities” treat the resources of the organization as a trust resources used in a manner that is ₋reasonable ₋appropriate ₋legally accountable
Board Processes Meetings Board Committee Annual Paper Agendas Minutes Correspondence Annual reports Bylaws Government documents ₋Articles of incorporation ₋Annual CRA submission Policies
Group Projects Decisions