Contribution of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic to the European Danube Strategy 4th Conference of the Danube Academies Bucharest, Romania, April 9-10, 2013 presented by Jan Zima
Environmental Research Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, Prague Biology Centre AS CR, České Budějovice ( Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, Brno
Institute of Experimental Medicine Danube Air Nexus – Assessing impacts of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (c-PAHs) on health Effects of air pollution on genetic material, on the mechanisms of changes induced by environmental factors as well as modeling the relationships between individual factors (e. g. air pollution vs. life style), coordinator Dr. R. J. Sram Project introduced at the meeting Scientific Support to the Danube Strategy, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, March 22, 2013
RISK FOR HUMAN HEALTH pregnancy outcome (IUGR, LBW) act as ED child morbidity, mental development men fertility cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer R. J. Sram 2013 Impact of c-PAHs in polluted air
Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic (Radim J. Sram) Institute for Environmental Health, Medical University, Wien, Austria (Hanns Moshammer) Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd, Serbia (Milena Jovasevic-Stojanovic) Institute of Medical Research and Occupational Health, Zagreb, Croatia (Alexandra Fucic) Environmental Health Center, Babes Bolai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania (Eugen S. Gurzau) Participants
Newborns from normal deliveries (week 38-41) from nonsmoking mothers Cord blood collected in the summer and winter season In each location 100 samples/season will be collected (total = 5 x 2 x 100 = samples) From each group in each location a cohort for further follow-up will be created These children will be monitored up to 2 years of age (if possible longer) for their morbidity via questionnaires filled out by their pediatrician) Subjects
Increased exposure to c-PAHs during pregnancy affects gene expression in newborns and their morbidity in early life DNA damage in newborns is related to exposure to c-PAHs occurring in the ambient air Gene expression changes induced by the exposure to c-PAHs during pregnancy influence pathways affecting immunity Expression of genes in cord blood affected by c-PAHs could be used as a new biomarker of exposure to c-PAHs Hypothesis
R. J. Sram 2013 Gene expression DNA adducts by 32 P-postlabeling Chromosomal aberrations, micronuclei Oxidative damage 8-oxodG, 15-F 2t -isoP, proteins Metabolomics PM2.5 Stationary monitoring c-PAHsStationary monitoring VOC Stationary monitoring Cotinine Vitamins A, C, E Interleukins 2, 6, 7, 8 Proposed methods
Biology Centre Danube Water Nexus; Research effort focused on water (PA 4). Catchment-scale modeling of nutrient transport and water quality in river and lake systems exposed to climate changes impacts. The scenario results are used in socio-economic analyses for planning mitigation measures for WFD river basin operation plans (PA7). Environmental Risks (PA5) Biodiversity, landscapes and quality of air and soil (PA6) coordinator prof. František Sehnal
Institute of Vertebrate Biology Danube Water Nexus (PA 4) Biodiversity, landscapes and quality of air and soil (PA 6) Introduced and invasive fish species in the Danubian river catchment c coordinator Dr. Pavel Jurajda
Austria Bulgaria Germany Slovakia Serbia Romania Croatia Ukraine Hungary Gobies of the genus Neogobius