Me and My World A 3-D project for Grade One and Beyond By Glenda MacPhee Hazel M Kellington Beautiful Plains School Division
Outcomes and rationale Information and Communication Technology (ICT) PLAN AND QUESTION follows and revises plans GATHER AND MAKE SENSE edits electronic work according to established criteria, conventions, and/or standards finds and collects information COMMUNICATE displays and/or discusses and adjusts electronic work REFLECTS invites and shares constructive feedback, related to established criteria, to reflect on using ICT to learn
Outcomes and rationale Social Studies I Belong – explore identity, family Connecting with others – rights and responsibilities, rules and conflict solutions My Environment – community, natural environment and landmarks, distinguish between needs and wants
Prerequisites and Developing skills Various computer programs Copy/paste commands Basic writing skills or create templates as with community places Inserting files and photos Basic filing skills, save, locate,
The Project 3-D cube created in layers Used a variety of technology to create Word Photos Power point SMART Notebook Web tools – wordle, acrostic Layers produced at end of units with final completion at end of year
Other Possibilities Novel studies Science Special Events Autobiographies Social Studies countries/communities ?
The Process One layer created towards the end of unit or term. Specific computer skills are taught within context as needed. Kid experts begin to teach others. Some teacher compiling may be necessary at some points.
WORD WORD in table format Font size adapted to ability of the writer so that all had a near full page Editing completed depending on ability level and time constraints Term 3 Term 1 Term 2
SMART Notebook Prepare SMART Notebook page Whole Group Interview each student Write about a school leader Export as image file (jpeg) Term 2 Term 1
Power Point Slide Prepare a power point slide to copy.
Additional Details Prepare WORDLE page Use print screen command. Crop image to fit box dimensions
Other Possibilities an acrostic page Working view Ready to print view Can only use 7 letter words Use print screen command to copy into WORD document.
Preparing Actual Box Use four 12x12 inch scrapbooking sheets Cut to form one of each 27cmx27cm with 9x9cm squares cut out 29x29cm with 9.5cm squares cut out 12x12 with cuts at 10cm but nothing removed Lid folded 12x12
Links and other Resources (great video) and printable version Book: We Are All Born Free, Amnesty International