Master of Teaching Program Clare Kosnik Director
MT? What is it?
2 Programs in One Teacher certification (primary/junior, junior/intermediate, intermediate/senior) + Graduate degree = a Professional Program
Anyone can teach … Hmm … Becoming a teacher is hard work! Being a teacher is hard work! Yet teaching can be highly rewarding and stimulating work.
Why do 2 years?
Time …..
Opportunity to …. study a broad range of topics develop as a teacher study topics in-depth work in classrooms
Program of Study 16 courses 4 practice teaching placements Research project Modules Special Events
Course on Special Education
Course on Assessment
Student Voice Forum
Drama Module
ESL Module
Mentoring by Year 2 Students
Philosophy of Education Presentation
Technology Day
All About Me Books
Math Walk
Practice Teaching Many excellent associate teachers Strong relationship with our practice teaching schools Lots of opportunity to teach Structured observations
Celeste and Jacquelyn
Practice Teaching
Research and Practice
Program Based on Research
Research Project Incorporating Students’ Out-of-school Digital Literacies In School by Joanie Ngu
Outstanding Faculty
Clive Beck
Jim Hewitt & Kim MacKinnon
MT Community Faculty and students working together
Welcome Back Breakfast
Valuing Each Person’s Talents
Graduation Dinner
A Very Special Member of the MT
Questions …… Visit our website: Please, check the website before calling us.