BY Dennis
I chose to be a 14 year old male citizen. 6 reasons why I want to be this I chose this because being a citizen means I could go to school. -I could vote -I have freedom -I could serve in the military and government -I could also own land What I chose to be
MY SCHEDULE I would get dressed then eat my breakfast. After that I would go to work at my fathers black smith shop. When I was done at the shop, I would go to the Agora with my father. When I was done at the Agora I would go home and sleep.
This is what I would wear I would wear what you see at the top left for work then on the bottom left is what I would wear for casual clothes. Pics from google images
My Family My family is a normal one I have a dad, mom, two brothers a sister and me. My dad owns the black smith and my mom sells jewellery at the Agora with my sister. Me, my two brothers and my dad all work at my dads black smith shop. We enjoyed our jobs. My dad is a rich man so he has a slave and we own a big house.
Reasons for not being a slave: because I would have no freedom to own property and I could not go to school. Reasons for not being a metic: because I could only influence people to do stuff not actually to that stuff and I couldn’t participate in government, plus I couldn’t go to school. Cons of Being a Slave and Metic
The End