Interactive Student Resource Customizable Teaching Plans Videos + Interactives Audio Glossary PowerPoint Lectures Teacher Resources Question Banks + Quizzes BLMs and Assessment Tools Forums and Calendar …and more! Biology 11C
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Consistent navigation across courses Biology 11U Biology 11C
Interactive Student Resource Customizable Teaching Plans Videos + Interactives Audio Glossary PowerPoint Lectures Teacher Resources Quizzes and Assignments BLMs and Assessment Tools Forums and Calendar Interactive Student Resource Customizable Study Plans Videos + Interactives Audio Glossary Quizzes and Assignments Forums and Calendar Teacher CONNECTStudent CONNECT
Live Demo: CONNECTschool and Digital Resources
Digital Textbook: Interactive and PDF version NEW: Downloadable Chapter PDFs
Downloadable and Editable PowerPoint Files NEW: Learning Goals and Success Criteria
Downloadable Teacher Resource NEW: All-Digital Teacher Resource
Downloadable BLMs in Word and PDF format NEW: Poster BLMs
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Create/Edit Quizzes and Assignments (Online and Print)
Pictures, Audio Glossary, Animations, Videos, Interactive Activities
42 Interactive Activities 59 Animations 44 Videos 13 PowerPoint Lessons 158 DIGITAL ASSETS 50 NEW assets
Organize Resources in a Customizable Teaching Plan
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