Ms. Kirby Doucette Eskasoni Elementary & Middle School Grade 8
Hello, my name is Kirby Doucette. I teach at the Eskasoni Elementary & Middle School, in Grade 8 in Mathematics. I believe that education is the key to success. My job isn’t a job, but merely a passion to educate and influence students into the right direction and to become a positive role model. I believe that I hold apart of the key towards their future. The aim to becoming successful as an educator is to put 110% of your time into the work you create for your students. Their work should be focused towards making learning fun, exciting, enjoyable, understanding and memorable. Each student must begin with motivation for learning along with inspiration and interest, and with a differentiated classroom to help all learners. I feel that students must understand what is expected of them, so in turn that they will to become successful towards learning, and with us as educators by learning from them. I believe that tools and rubrics are beneficial towards keeping on task and keeping organized with the daily functions of students in the schools.
The Outcome Wall is designed to be distributed within the classroom for the students. These annual outcomes which will be issued during the time set. Each outcome will be said according to its language, along with our everyday language for the students understanding, and clarification. This is set so that the students understand what is expected of them, along with each outcome being accomplished. (Photo: Beginning of the year, by the end of the year your wall should be filled)
The clip board cruise was designed to help assist the teacher as an assessment tool. This rubric is helpful to aid in the students’ performance level, along with worked missed within the outcome needing to be reached. It was made to be easy, with just a check list and of each students name. On top you will find a box to fill out outcome needed for that day.
“Teaching is having a wide variety of strategies and methods that can be tweaked and adapted instantly and constantly as classroom dynamics and students needs change. Teaching is fluid and no one single way works for all.” - By Middle School Teachers.
“Picture of Wall” A Math Word Wall is designed to help the students with their mathematical terms and vocabulary. They learn to see the word and picture on a daily basis and to make connections with the real world. This Math Word Wall can be used with Social Studies, Science, English, Health, and Mi’kmaq. This teaches the students the proper terminology and language, which can be an excellent tool for the learning environment. “Viewing, and observing”
The design of the IPP “Individualized Program Planning Rubric” aims towards the focus of the students goal towards their learning outcome expected for the year. The rubric helps with the students daily activity, along with marking scheme and dates.
“Checklist” In reference towards the Outcome Checklist, it reflects on the annual outcomes set for the Grade and subject. Each SCO and GCO is generated along with a checklist, which you may check or shade in while reflecting on the students performance. Such as: Level 1 is Experiencing Difficulties, and Level 5 which is Excellent. This may be checked after each outcome is reached successfully. “Picture of Outcome checklist”
As apart of the Eskasoni Elementary & Middle School, I am pleased to be using these tools that I created not just for myself but for my colleagues. These are beneficial for teaching because we know the outcomes of which are students performance level is at, and where they need aid. This may help with checking how many outcomes they have successfully accomplished and may show you where you need to spend more time with a certain subject.