From Concept to Title
The Project journey Broad initial idea (Linked to the students own interests and/or aspirations for future work/ study) Focused research question / design specification / response to commission Development and realisation of the students response to their objectives (All work should flow from and be linked to the research question, brief or commission)
What makes a good title? Base it on personal interest Look to extend learners outside their existing subject knowledge Ensure all assessment objectives can be met. Are there Planning, Research, Development and Review elements? Check for appropriate scope (40 Level 1 or 2; 80 Level 3) Use a suitable form of objective Dissertation: Research Question Investigation: Research Question / Hypothesis Performance:Response to a commission or question Artefact:Response to a design brief
Criteria for Good Titles Is the title likely to lead to a process of planning, research, development and review? Is the Project sustainable over a significant period of time? Does the Project span several subject areas in a creative way, or involve development of new skills or deeper understanding? Is the Project at all interesting, to the student or anyone else?
Sample Project titles Has the introduction of organic foods changed the way we shop and eat? Explore the use of public transport in your local area – could it be improved? Should human cloning be allowed? Should children be forced to exercise? Do food labels affect how people shop? Level 1 & 2 Written reports
Sample Project titles Design and make a mask for a character in a play or film that is based on an animal or fantasy creature Produce a range of coordinated surface pattern designs for use in a themed restaurant Take an existing everyday object and redesign it to make it more effective, marketable, attractive, fashionable, environmentally friendly, etc Design and make the prototype for a mural panel, or piece of public sculpture that commemorates an event from local history Level 1 & 2 Artefact
Sample Project titles Should we allow genetic screening to produce designer babies? How effective is a training programme based on football for improving sports fitness? What are the ethical issues around size zero models? Should anyone be allowed to become a foster parent? Is there evidence that the ban on advertising junk food on childrens television has made a difference to childrens eating habits? Level 3 Extended – Dissertation and Investigation
Sample Project titles What role does comedy have in serious culture? Produce a performance of Gullivers Travels for a year 9 audience. Devise a performance to explore cultural challenges facing immigrants Portrait and personality – make a series of 2D or 3D images based on the theme of portraiture for display in a town centre art gallery Illustration – make illustrations for either a poem or a childrens story of your choice Recycled – design and make a collection of sophisticated jewellery or body adornment from unconventional recycled materials Level 3 Extended – Performance and Artefact
From Concept to Title