Oral Hygiene and Dental Care for Older Australians Dr Warren Shnider BDSc FRACDS(SND) Specialist, Special Needs Dentistry
Aged Care & Oral Health Introduction How the various dental specialties and oral health professionals work together Things to consider when working with dental professionals in aged care facilities What can be offered in terms of quality support and education
JCDA • www.cda-adc.ca/jcda • November 2007, Vol. 73, No. 9 •
JCDA • www.cda-adc.ca/jcda • November 2007, Vol. 73, No. 9 • “Much has been said about the importance of medicine to dentistry, especially in the context of an aging population with medical issues of increasing complexity.” George K.B. Sándor, MD, DDS, PhD, FRCD(C), FRCSC, FACSgeorge.sandor@utoronto.ca
JCDA • www.cda-adc.ca/jcda • November 2007, Vol. 73, No. 9 • “The medical management of many conditions has become more successful; and chronically ill patients have become more ambulatory and more likely to visit a dental office than ever before.” George K.B. Sándor, MD, DDS, PhD, FRCD(C), FRCSC, FACSgeorge.sandor@utoronto.ca
JADA, Vol. 137 http://jada.ada.org October 2006 5S Clinical professor, Department of Periodontics/Endodontics, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
JADA, Vol. 137 http://jada.ada.org October 2006 5S “…the possibility that events in the oral cavity can influence systemic disease has been highlighted by the U.S. surgeon general’s report in 2000” Michael L. Barnett, DDS Clinical professor, Department of Periodontics/Endodontics, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
JADA, Vol. 137 http://jada.ada.org October 2006 5S “associations and interactions between oral disease—particularly periodontal disease—and coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and bacterial pneumonia.” Michael L. Barnett, DDS Clinical professor, Department of Periodontics/Endodontics, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
Aged Care & Oral Health Introduction How the various dental specialties and oral health professionals work together Things to consider when working with dental professionals in aged care facilities What can be offered in terms of quality support and education
http://ww. adavb. net/Portals/0/Submission/ADAVB-Submission-2007-03-16 http://ww.adavb.net/Portals/0/Submission/ADAVB-Submission-2007-03-16.pdf
Revised Draft Code of Practice: http://www.adavb.net/Portals/0/Submission/ADAVB-Submission-2007-03-16.pdf Revised Draft Code of Practice: Practice of Dentistry by Dental Auxiliaries Submission to Dental Practice Board of Victoria by Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch Inc. March 2007
http://www.adavb.net/Portals/0/Submission/ADAVB-Submission-2007-03-16.pdf “General practitioner dentists are trained to provide treatment across all modalities and areas, while specialist dentists provide highly complex treatment in only one nominated field.”
http://www.adavb.net/Portals/0/Submission/ADAVB-Submission-2007-03-16.pdf “Likewise, dental auxiliaries such as dental hygienists, dental therapists and dental prosthetists only deliver basic treatment within selected areas, to which their training and skill are limited.”
http://www.adavb.net/Portals/0/Submission/ADAVB-Submission-2007-03-16.pdf “The ADAVB considers that patients undergoing dental treatment will often have needs in multiple areas, and therefore general practitioner dentists should normally complete their dental treatment.”
http://www.adavb.net/Portals/0/Submission/ADAVB-Submission-2007-03-16.pdf “However a dentist is also the care coordinator of the patient’s overall dental treatment, referring to dental and medical specialists and/or auxiliaries as appropriate for selected aspects of patient care.”
http://www.adavb.net/Portals/0/Submission/ADAVB-Submission-2007-03-16.pdf “This role is similar to that performed by the general medical practitioner in relation to general health.”
Aged Care & Oral Health Introduction How the various dental specialties and oral health professionals work together Things to consider when working with dental professionals in aged care facilities What can be offered in terms of quality support and education
Australian Dental Association http://www.ada.org.au/publications/adj.aspx
Guidelines for Oral Health Care for Long-stay Patients and Residents http://www.bsdh.org.uk/guidelines.html Guidelines for Oral Health Care for Long-stay Patients and Residents Guidelines for the Development of Local Standards of Oral Health Care for Dependent, Dysphagic, Critically and Terminally Ill Patients
Education Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch http://www.adavb.net Dental Health Services Victoria http://www.dhsv.org.au/default.asp Department of Veterans’ Affairs http://www.dva.gov.au/health/provider/dental/dental.htm Special Interest Group in Gerodontics shniderw@dhsv.org.au
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