Structured Workplace Learning Forum Western Local Community Partnership “SWL Overview”
Why a Structured Workplace Learning Forum? Western Local Community Partnership (Western LCP) is funded to facilitate quality Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) Based on Western LCP’s Structured Workplace Learning survey (2006) schools requested professional development on workreadiness and industry engagement
What does Structured Workplace Learning mean? “Workplacement” is organised workplace learning which provides practical application to the skills learnt in class. A workplacement is for students studying VCAL, VET subjects or vocational programs. “Workreadiness” = The preparation of students prior to working with employers
National Perspective on SWL Six essential ingredients for a quality SWL experience: 1.Efficient and effectively resourced internal arrangements 2.Strong and enduring relationships with stakeholders 3.Managing demand for places sensitively and effectively 4.Rigorous preparation of students and employers 5.Rewarding experience for employers & all students 6.All parties role in providing reliable outcomes
State perspective – the legal requirements Ministerial orders No. 23: SWL Arrangements Signed by all parties before placement commences Which form? Insurance School must phone or visit student on workplacement Students paid a minimum of $5 a day, except not-for-profit VET subjects – strongly recommended, not mandatory
Western LCP is focusing on: Providing resources for co-ordinators and teachers in preparing students for workplacement Working with industry/employers to support quality SWL Facilitating training to groups of teachers on websites supporting workreadiness or industry engagement Providing forums for sharing work readiness activities from teachers across the Western Region
Recipe for successful SWL Quality SWL Student Preparation Communication with employers Guest speaking & Industry visits School internal process and communication ParentsFollowing up Employer expectations