Overview of CRC Society Program Professor Rebekah Brown
Water Sensitive City Water Cycle City Waterways City Drained City Sewered City Cumulative Socio-Political Drivers Service Delivery Functions Water Supply City Point & diffuse source pollution management Social amenity, environmental protection Diverse, fit-for- purpose sources & conservation, promoting waterway protection Limits on natural resources Adaptive, multi- functional infrastructure & urban design reinforcing water sensitive values & behaviours Intergenerational equity, resilience to climate change Supply hydraulics Water supply access & security Drainage, channelisation Flood protection Separate sewerage schemes Public health protection Urban Water Transitions: Past, Present & Future?
The ‘Lock-in’ Challenge 1.lack of a common vision 2.institutional fragmentation 3.undefined organisational responsibilities 4.limited political incentives and disincentives 5.poor organisational commitment 6.technological path dependency 7.poor community capacity to meaningfully participate, and 8.lack of experience with facilitating integrated processes Research findings from over 50 international projects ( ) Australian urban water professionals’ practice-based insights ( ) 1.Inadequate leaderships, regulations, rules, management systems and capability 2.The diversity of community culture, water literacy, behaviours and values and its disconnection to urban water systems 3.Disconnection between water services infrastructure and the desired aesthetic and ecological functioning of urban infrastructure 4.Existing technologies and design practices limited in their capacity to improve resilience with regard to change (climate, behaviour, economic etc.) 1. Economic Modelling & Analysis 2. Societal Innovation & Behaviour Change 3. Governance, Policy & Regulatory Reform 4. Socio-Technical Transitions
A1: Economic Modelling and Analysis A1.1 – (formerly P7) Economics: Cities as Water Supply Catchments A1.2 – Valuation of Economic, Social and Ecological Costs and Benefits A1.3 – Economic Incentives and Instruments A2: Societal Innovation & Behaviour Change A2.1:Understanding Social Processes to Achieve Water Sensitive Futures A2.2 – Accelerating Transitions to Water Sensitive Cities by Influencing Behaviour A2.3 –Engaging communities with Water Sensitive Cities A3: Governance, Policy & Regulatory Reform A3.1 – Better governance for complex decision- making A3.2 – Better regulatory frameworks for water sensitive cities A3.3 – Strategies for influencing the political dynamics of decision-making A4: Socio-Technical Transitions A4.1 – (formerly P6) – Society and Institutions: Cities as Water Supply Catchments A4.2 – Mapping Water Sensitive Scenarios A4.3 - Socio- technical modelling tools to examine urban water management scenarios Program A - Society Prof David Pannell (UWA) Dr Kelly Fielding (UQ) Prof Brian Head (UQ) Prof Rebekah Brown (Monash)
A4.1 Community Landscape Perceptions Dr Meredith Dobbie Understanding community landscape perceptions to guide design and implementation strategies of green infrastructure in urban streetscapes Aim: To understand perception of streetscapes with and without raingardens through lens of sense of place (= place attachment, identity and dependence) Unit of study: street block Sites: Four locations in Melbourne, within 10 km and beyond 20 km of CBD
The water sensitive city will look different. Its sustainability will depend on favourable perceptions of its communities. Understanding those perceptions can guide design and implementation strategies.
A4.2 Mapping Water Sensitive Scenarios Dr Briony Ferguson (July 2014 – June 2017) Purpose: Develop and test deliberative scenario-making and participatory envisioning processes
A4.2 Expected Outcomes City-specific scenarios of visions and robust strategies for Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth’s transition to a Water Sensitive City WSC Scenarios Step-by-step guidance for developing transition scenarios and integrating participatory processes into formal strategic planning initiatives Process Manual Participatory forum for considering the synergies of each CRC program’s activities within scenarios of future water sensitive cities Participatory Forum
A4.3 Community Landscape Perceptions Professor Ana Deletic This project aims to develop a modelling tool (DAnCE4Water) that can examine possible urban water management scenarios for building and renewing Australian cities and towns Prototype developed – much more work to be done Enables the evolution of many urban water systems to explore the implication of adaptation strategies
A4.3 Community Landscape Perceptions Professor Ana Deletic What is it? A computational tool to support strategic planning processes Who and What is it for? Help strategists, planners and decisions makers to understand the implications of possible infrastructure solutions through testing different scenarios Why is it different? Takes a dynamics approach; and integrates urban land development and societal change patterns with changes in the urban water infrastructure system
A4: Socio-Technical Transitions A4: Socio-Technical Transitions: Linkages A4: Socio-Technical Transitions Projects: C1, C3, C4, B2, A2, Dr Meredith Dobbie Dr Briony Ferguson; Prof Ana Deletic (Monash); Sub-project leaders: Prof Rebekah Brown (Monash) A4.1 – (formerly P6) – Society and Institutions: Cities as Water Supply Catchments A4.2 – Mapping Water Sensitive Scenarios A4.3 - Socio- technical modelling tools to examine urban water management scenarios Projects: A1, A2, A3, Programs C, B and D Projects: A1, Program C, B and D