Commissioner for Children and Young People WA 1
Commissioner for Children and Young People Commissioner for Children and Young People Act 2006 Best interests of the child are paramount s.3 Priority and special regard to: - Aboriginal children and young people - Children and young people vulnerable or disadvantaged s.20(1)(a) Convention on the Rights of the Child s.20(1)(b)
Commissioner’s responsibilities Advocate for children and young people Promote the participation of children & young people Promote and monitor wellbeing Promote public awareness Research into wellbeing Conduct inquiries Monitor and review laws, policies, practices & services
Wellbeing Research 1000 children and young people (5 – 18) What do they believe is important to their wellbeing? –Family –Friends –Fun and activity –Safety –Education –Basic care –Being acknowledged –Freedom and independence
Wellbeing Monitoring Framework Evidence-based, repeatable data collection Comparable data Relevant
Three Components
Profile of WA’s Children and Young People Administrative and survey data Socio-demographic profile Focus on: Population Diversity Social Characteristics
The State of WA’s Children and Young People Criteria for inclusion of measures: –Meaningful –Capable of disaggregation –Consistent and repeatable –Actionable Reference Group consultation Wellbeing Research Measures finalised
Building Blocks Showcasing programs improving wellbeing Practical document 82 programs organised under 8 domains Australian Institute of Family Studies contracted Importance of evidenced based evaluation Reference Group
Commissioner for Children and Young People – current areas of focus Early years Youth justice Mental health Reducing alcohol-related harm Sexualisation of children Child protection Creativity and education
Other areas of work Thinker in residence program – 2011 & 2012 Commissioner for a Day Guidelines & seminars – participation, complaints, legislation Best practise examples – participation Speaking out publications – the voice of children & young people Policy briefs – WMF, Reducing alcohol related harm, Inquiry
Inquiry into the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in WA In April 2011 the Commissioner tabled the report of her first Inquiry conducted under section 19 of the Act in the Western Australian Parliament The report of the Inquiry into the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people made 54 recommendations Monitoring the implementation of the recommendations and ongoing advocacy work
Reducing alcohol-related harm Sought young people’s views on The culture of alcohol consumption in the broader community amongst young people The influences on decision making about alcohol Any concerns about alcohol Strategies for reducing alcohol-related harm
0-2 Not at all Effective Extremely Effective 6-7 Least effective
Alcohol free activities “Convince teens that you don’t have to get drunk to be cool.” “If the artists themselves at the festivals were like, ‘yeah its an alcohol free event and it’s a good day’.. Then yeah that would convince people not to drink.”
Education “ Definitely effective so long as they don’t lecture us. If its like ‘don’t drink, don’t drink, don’t drink’ then we will - we need tips.” “I learnt all about alcohol at school, the dangers and things like that, and it hasn’t really changed my views.” “I’ve had no bad experiences when I’m drunk.”
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