Understanding our Position Statement on Environmental Sustainability
Catholic Social Teaching Our Position Statement is derived from four key themes: Eco-Literacy StewardshipConnected Partnerships
Overall Context Catholic Social Teaching
Overall Context Catholic Social Teaching As Christians we are called to care for creation, for present and future generations… …as we move towards living our ecological vocation. This belief statements is based on the writings of three key people…
Catholic Social Teaching Four Key Themes: Pope John Paul II Pope Benedict XVI The Bruntland Commissions Definition of Sustainability (1987)
Within this belief statement are three elements which call for action
Eco-Literacy Element One
Eco-Literacy Understanding our Impact on the Environment
Eco-Literacy Understanding our Impact on the Environment St Benedict’s Mango Hill
Eco-Literacy Understanding our Impact on the Environment
Eco-Literacy Understanding our Impact on the Environment
To achieve Eco-literacy….
Through personal conversion and Catholic Social Teaching: Encouraging and supporting Eco-Literacy within learning and teaching programs and professional learning WebyTeach
Stewardship Element Two
Stewardship Connecting Everyone within an Organizational Plan
Ecological Sustainability Inquiries Written By: Sarah O’Brien St Vincent’s Primary School Inquiry: How can we reduce the amount of plastic brought in lunch boxes to school?
Stewardship Data gathering and action planning
Stewardship Connecting Everyone within an Organizational Plan
Brisbane Catholic Education Guidelines for the Religious Life of the School Social Action and Justice Stewardship / Economic Justice/ Global Solidarity/ Peace / Preferential Option for the Poor Strategic Renewal Framework Equity and Stewardship Formal connections to ecological sustainability
To achieve Stewardship….
Embedding and aligning the principles of sustainability and environmental stewardship within renewal processes WeChallengeby
Community Partnerships Element Three
Catholic Earthcare Parishes QESSI HUBS Green and Healthy Schools program City Smart, Climate Smart, Water wise…Solar Schools Program, Join–Up Your Thinking across the community
To achieve Community Partnerships ….
Promoting personal and communal ecological conversion and establishing community partnerships We Transformby
Our Position Statement on Environmental Sustainability