General News NSW State Age & Elite This year Ingleburn RSLYC Trampoline Division had 6 athletes attending the NSW State Age & Elite Championships. All 6 athletes have made it through to the Australian National Championships to be held at Homebush July 6 th -11 th. Owen has been named the 2013 NSW team captain a popular choice amongst the NSW team. A full list of event times and tickets sales are available through the Gymnastics NSW website for this event and the club will be offering earlier bird tickets for all members wishing to attend and support our athletes. R ESULTS Owen Owen – 2013 Snr Men’s Champion in Trampoline & Double Mini Ben Ben – U13’s Men’s 6 th place in Trampoline, 2 nd place in Double Mini 2 nd place in Syncro Trampoline (partner Jordan – Altitude) Casey Casey - U11’s Men’s Champion in Trampoline, 2 nd place in Double Mini Champion in Syncro Trampoline (partner Dylan – Miranda) Courtney Courtney – U11’s Women’s 4 th place Trampoline, 2 nd place Double Mini, and 2 nd place Syncro Trampoline with partner Makenzie Murphy Makenzie Makenzie – U11’s Women’s 6 th place Trampoline, 3 rd place Double Mini, 2 nd place Syncro Trampoline with partner Courtney Holyday and 3 rd place Tumbling Tara Tara – U11’s Women’s 3 rd place Trampoline, 8 th place Double Mini, and Champion in Syncro Trampoline (partner Kyra – Castle Hill) Ingleburn RSL Youth Club Gymnastics & Trampoline Division Newsletter – May 2013 Page 1/2 Pictured from Top: Owen Tara Courtney Makenzie Casey Ben Trampoline News State Trials are just around the corner This year There will be Trials for NSW Levels State Championships. Unlike previous years athletes wishing to compete at this years Levels State they will need to attend at least one of the two State Trials being held this year. Entries for the first state have closed, sorry for the late notice the club got this information last minute. If you wish to enter an athlete into the second state trial on the 18 th August at the CCYC in Gosford please speak with our coaches before or after lessons. Upcoming Trampoline Comps NSW State Levels Trials 1 will be held at CCYC on the 16 th June 2013, entries are now closed for this competition, for those who are entered please pay the $22 entry fee to the front counter by Trampoline News Cont.... Monday 10 th May. More details regarding both State trials competitions can be found via our webpage under the ‘upcoming competitions’ section as well as the Gymnastics NSW website. Norm’s Birthday Norm’s birthdays falls right on State Trials this year, 16 th June, and as most of us will be in Gosford we are planning to have a dinner for Norm after the competition depending on the time if finishes, all club members are welcome more details on the day. Its A Boy! Congratulations to the Ben & Kate and family on the birth of their baby brother born on the 27 May Mum & Bub are both doing very well.
Gymnastics & Trampoline Newsletter May 2013 GG News Friday Lessons General Gym will be offering Friday lessons for all gymnasts interested in changing days or even taking up an extra day. Please talk to Rochelle for more details. Wag News Getting ready for comp WAG girls have been learning routines ready for competitions later this year. Notes will be going out shortly with information about the competitions and the costs involved. Positions Vacant Committee Position -Treasurer: Our club looking for a new Treasurer, it will involve bookwork, MYOB and Banking this has been estimated to take about 2 hours a week. The position will also require you to attend meetings once a month, at Ingleburn RSL every 3 rd Tuesday. We are happy to speak with anyone who may be interested in taking up this position. To apply speak to your child's coach or Attn Paul Reynolds - Coaching Position Available Our General Gym Division has grown so much this year that we are looking for another coach to join our club, senior or junior (13+ yrs) applicants are welcome to apply. For more details please contact Rochelle after lessons or on or via Attn: Rochelle - Registrar Position Available General Gymnastics and WAG division are looking for a new registrar. It involves record keeping and handling of the day’s takings for either or both divisions. If you are able to fill this role please speak to Laura or Rochelle. Thank you to Debbie for taking the time and covering this position for us over the last few weeks. Fundraising News Bunning's BBQ Club Fundraiser A big thank you to all the parents and kids who helped out at our club Bunnings BBQ on the 11 th May, we had another wonderful day and made a great profit of $849 which will go a long way for our club and its members. Ingleburn RSL Youth Club Gymnastics & Trampoline Division Newsletter – May 2013 Page 2/2 Fundraising News Cont... Term 2 Fundraising We will be having more fund raising this term, information will be given out at lessons shortly. Uniform News For Sale... We have a rang of second hand uniforms, including leotards and Tracksuits, available for sale at the front counter please see Debby for more details. From the Committee HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA..... June Birthdays Wishes 2 nd Felicity H 15 th Brittany M 23 rd Leila A 24 th Anne B 29 th Kayci S Next Meeting Tuesday 18 th June Ingleburn RSL. All parents and members welcome. Other News Lets help fight Leukaemia! Ingleburn RSLYC Gymnastics & Trampoline Division are continuing to collecting ring pulls from all can lids to help in the fight against Leukaemia and other types of Cancer, 1 Million Rings buys 1 Breathing Machine. All collected ring pulls can be given to the front counter.