Knowledge for Regional NRM Jane Chrystal 18 May 2010 Canberra
56 Regional NRM Bodies
Information overload: A major issue for regional NRM
Central West CMA – pilot for Regional Knowledge Strategy Five-stage process –Explores both information and knowledge Three lines of enquiry: –Information mapping –Surveys – internal & external –Anecdote circles “Sensemaking” & action planning workshops & strategy development
‘G’ Drive (duplicated in 3-4 other reports and currently being reviewed Shared drive per office ‘G’ Drive: personal drives at individual level Office library collections of books and reports (incl consultant reports) Paper files – CARMS system of contracts and documentation – this is the authoritative source Team BMP files – 4 themes + people and communities ‘G’ Drive (duplicated in 3-4 other reports and currently being reviewed ARCHIS Project mgmt database (under dev’t) Internet site (public site) Intranet (runs on GroupWise) ‘Q Drive’ – reference source (data dump) – spatial data provided by DNR Stakeholder DB (located in Bathurst) across whole CMA – who can access it?? DECC provide NRO Land titles db PAMS (Property Administration Mgmt System) (DECC) TOOLS2 Objective DRMS (in development) TRIM (DECC DRMS) SALIS (Soils db) (DECC) Water licensing system Licensing and Administration system (L&AS) Dep’t of Lands – Integrated Property Warehouse SOE NSW State of the Catchment Report NHT Joint Steering committee Reports National L&W Resources Audit CMA State AG S-C CW CMA – DRAFT INFORMATION MAP Vegetation Mgmt (PVP Developer) – ARC mapping product (under redevelopment with M/Soft Future Links Current Links AANRO Aboriginal Heritage Info Mgmt System (AHIMS) (DECC) Significant Sites Register Social survey (Mark Fenton) NSW Social survey CW Social survey CANRI? CRCsRDCs
Anecdote circles Stories/experiences Personal accounts - an approach for conveying complex issues Actual spoken words recorded …then written into text Drawing out tacit knowledge
Central West CMA Knowledge Strategy Projects - eg Inter- CMA networks, staff knowledge inventory Small actions – eg s include detailed “subject”, audio books, podcasts Sets boundaries - as much about what we aren’t doing as what we are doing Simple, direct and live
LWA Products & Services Regional NRM bodies supported to produce a Regional Knowledge Strategy using Regional Knowledge Resource Kit (RKRK) NRM Toolbar Evidence Bases Gotta question? Knowledge hotline